Joy in the presence of angels (The lost coin, Luke 15:8-10)

1 year ago

Joy in the presence of angels (The lost coin, Luke 15:8-10)
I have never been a racing fan but a few years back something happened that made people who was NACAR fans ecstatic. They created a service to where you could listen in behind the scenes and you would hear the conversations between the driver, crew chief, and pit crew live as it was taking place. I remember I had a friend’s dad who jumped all over the opportunity to pay for the service so he could listen into his favorite driver’s team as he watched the race live on television. It was amazing to these fans to get a glimpse of the behind-the-scenes action and to have the insight of what it was like during the race from all corners. Have you ever wanted that behind-the-scenes glimpse or all access pass to heaven? Well in verse 10 of Luke 15 Jesus closes out the parable of the lost coin by letting us know what it is like in Heaven when a sinner comes back God. It says that there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repents. In other words, there is some excitement to know that the Kingdom of God has grown and another one has escaped eternal punishment in Hell.
I think it is amazing to know that those in paradise are excited and pulling for those of us on earth to have victory. Who is joyful? The scripture really does not tell us, but it does tell us that it is in the presence of the angels so could this be other angels, saints who have already entered eternity, the Godhead (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), or a combination of all three. I do not know for sure but based upon the price that He paid for our lives I would say that Jesus is joyous to know that another of His beloved has returned to the fold. I would also say based upon the sacrifice that God the Father made, giving the life of His only son, that He is Joyous to know that it was not in vain and another one has come home. And I would say the Holy Spirit, the one who drew the individual in with loving conviction, would be joyous to know that they have accepted His calling. I can imagine that Heaven is just one big party when someone gives their heart to Lord because those there know what those coming have escaped. They know the love of God because they have experienced it firsthand, and they are excited to share it with others as the Kingdom of Heaven grows one member at a time.

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