Responding to Sen. Ted Cruz with Truth

1 year ago

Many conservatives and Christians were perplexed and disappointed to see Sen. Ted Cruz denounce a Ugandan law (that criminalizes “aggravated homosexuality”) on the basis of so-called biblical doctrine. Cruz got into a Twitter exchange with Pastor Tom Ascol, where Cruz justified his position saying the Old Testament Levitical law and the Ugandan law are “abominations.” Can God’s law ever be “abominable” if God is fully righteous and just? What is the Truthful response to Sen. Cruz and others who justify the LGBTQ agenda with “love”?
Pastor Ascol and Jenna also directly address the American history of sodomy laws. Should a moral and upright society criminalize homosexuality? We need to discuss and debate these ideas in the church and the civil government, and we aren’t afraid to!

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