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Interview: Tommy Bianchini (Salvation, Witnessing, Tracts, Testimony)
@TommyB4Jesus is an example of a believer who is walking with the Lord even after suffering a life altering trial. After trusting in Christ as Savior, he continues to share the clear gospel message on YouTube and with tracts he creates.
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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.
(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)
#interview #bibleline #salvation #testimony #saved #eternallife #powerful #tommyb4jesus #witnessing #tracts #truth
yeah after salvation is good that you
turn away from your sins but that's not
the gospel the gospel is that Jesus
finished work on a cross pay for
place your faith in that alone and he
saves you
all right I'm here today with Tommy
bianchini and we're going to talk about
how he came to faith in Christ but I've
seen you here for probably about a month
now yeah and you're originally where
you're coming from Chicago right yeah
Brookfield Illinois yeah so how did you
how did you find Bible Lane just out of
curiosity uh
I think it was one of my recommendations
oh on YouTube yeah on YouTube and I
clicked on it and I I just loved what I
it's like not many churches nowadays
speaking of Truth yeah we were just
talking before the interview about all
the we were talking about James chapter
three where the T where teachers are
going to have greater condemnation and
flipping especially false prophets like
how flippant they are with the word of
God right and how God's elevated his
word above his own name and
it's it's scary I was telling you before
it's like sometimes I just want them
just yeah just stop not even for the
cringe aspect but just
it's terrible to see what people are are
making the word of God say right you
know speaking of that I know we were
talking a couple days ago in our
um about how you came to faith in Christ
can you
share maybe what you thought before you
came to Faith and then how you heard the
gospel and what you did well before I
didn't have a grasp on anything I just
I was searching yeah and uh nobody ever
set me down and told me this is the
gospel yeah so I just kind of had to
figure out on my own
my family never told me
I got friends who are Christian they
believe on the death burial resurrection
of Jesus but they never told me the
gospel wow so yeah
so uh
I basically had to figure out my own and
uh one day I was sitting
oh this is after my accident after I had
my accent uh
my car accident I was sitting in my room
and I bumped my keyboard and I saw a
preacher speaking about Jesus as death
burial resurrection that he died for our
but he's also preaching on sin yeah so I
I don't know if he he had the gospel
right but
but it just led me to search you know
and I found that
through his death burial Resurrection
for our sins that he placed our faith in
that we're saved amen for eternally
and then yeah after salvation it's good
that you turn away from your sins but
that's not the gospel the gospel is that
Jesus finished work on a cross pay for
you place your faith in that alone and
he saves you
and not everybody's preaching that
anymore no it's hardly ever yeah
especially online you can get caught up
in a real bad web and I did yeah can you
tell us about that uh yeah after it was
saved I was
right away I don't know what Bible to
use yeah because there's like three
honor of them and and I asked the Lord
I'm like what Bible should I be using
and just a prayer right then and right
away I think it kind of led me to the
King James bio
and uh
but before I did that
I turn on YouTube for information and I
sure have never done it
and uh yeah just let me to people that I
thought was pretty sure but there
weren't like John MacArthur John Piper
or uh what's the other guy uh Paul
Washer Paul Washer yeah
let me to those kind of people and I
should have never turned to YouTube I
should have just stuck to my Bible
and let the Holy Spirit lead me to the
truth did watching like Piper MacArthur
washer did it cast doubt oh yeah once
you had oh yeah previously understood oh
yeah yeah so how did that how did you
kind of pull out of that because there's
a lot of people I know that are here on
on Bible in our Channel sphere that are
have been there
I think it was the holy spirit because
it kind of
it kind of kissed out on them not what I
okay learn it's like don't listen to
them yeah you know yeah you know they're
they're they're contradicting what the
word says and that's what I found inside
It came it kind of led me to read the
word and not rely on these teachers
absolutely and I think that was a
blessing yeah
well and and I think what you said there
that it cast doubt on them is a good
sign because
I think a lot of people immediately
they will look at themselves we're in a
very like egocentric culture especially
with like social media we have accounts
for ourselves and all sorts of stuff
like that and I think what happens is
people hear something that's different
and they go oh
um that was something that I'm doing
wrong like I'm the one who's wrong and
this person you know they have a they're
on the big stage with the big
microphones and all that stuff and they
must be right and I must be wrong
there's a video that I posted on uh
the community tab of Bible line a while
ago and it was John Piper talking to a
young lady who was asking
for Assurance that she was a part of
God's chosen the elect and MacArthur is
a staunch calvinist I mean he oh yeah he
very clearly has his position known but
this girl was like you know I'm taking
communion I'm I love God but how do I
know that I'm a part of the elect and
she later clarified and said how do I
know that I'm going to heaven like how
do I know that I'm saved
and MacArthur asked for her name her
name is joy
and she she was just told well the way
that you feel about God is how you can
know that you're saved right and I mean
the first time I watched that video I
was emotional like I cried for her
because yeah ultimately you know she
spent money to go to that conference I
don't know if she's local or not but the
poor girl is
tormented by a lack of assurance and you
the Bible says so very clearly you can
know that you have eternal life
I mean First John 3 3 says every man
that has his hope in him purifieth
himself even as he is pure I mean we're
already pure the sanctification process
of our
salvation is something that God will
reward us for but what justifies us and
gives us that forthcoming glorification
when we die when we're raptured
is faith in Christ right but it's like
you know we got spotlights in here right
now it's like moving the spotlight off
of the Bible and onto yourself
and it's just it it throws people for a
tizzy and it's sad to see yeah and
that's the thing a lot of people's
taking a spell out of Jesus and put it
on yourself yeah and that's not right so
how long ago did you put your faith in
Christ in May 2016 May of 2016. oh it's
April at the time of this recording so
may is coming up yeah so what have you
been doing since then like how is your
life changed
since then I
I've been trying to sew in on YouTube
because this
is my the time I got saved was kind of
hard because I was doing uh therapy so
I'm like I could use YouTube as a total
so when yeah and I don't have to go out
and spread tracks and like that but I've
been uh passing out tracks too yeah so
I've been doing that and reading my
Bible and trying to uh grow in my faith
what's the number one thing that you are
thankful for now that you know the
uh did I know I'm saved and uh
if I die I'll go to heaven yeah you know
it's it's a one it's a wonderful thing
to know that you're saved yeah to to
really know you
you're at peace and before I got saved I
was like in torment yeah and I was very
uh depressed
now it's like anything could happen
around me I'm not focusing on a storm
I'm just focusing on Jesus amen that's
that's exactly what yeah uh we see with
Peter when he walked out on the water in
the storm yeah he kept his eyes on
Christ and then when he looked at his
circumstances like oh I'm walking on
water we don't do that oh there's a
storm out here I should not even be in
the water because there's a storm yeah
and then all of a sudden he takes his
eyes off Christ and he begins to sink
it's sad that people use that as an
illustration of Salvation which is not
has nothing to do with salvation has
everything to do with keeping our eyes
on Christ and service related
what I think is interesting about what
you've chosen to do is you know
obviously your life has changed you know
you had the accident and we were talking
about that a little bit before
but I think there's a lot of people that
can see based on what we're talking here
that you have a piece that goes beyond
the natural understanding right
um I want to touch on what you said
about the torment thing like did were
you in torment like before you got saved
like did it come in waves like there'd
be something that happened and it would
make you think about where am I going to
go when I die or was it always unrest
like were you always wrestling with this
thought of well I was very depressed
because of the accident
and uh at one point I really thought
about Community suicide
and uh
the reason I didn't is like what if
you know Heaven and Hell yeah and then
I'm like that's why I was still
searching to see
you know for the truth and I hadn't you
know it's funny that I I I uh I kept
away I kept away from the movie The
Passion under Christ
and uh
I don't know if it was for a reason or
but after I watch it after I was saved I
kind of
got it a little bit even though there's
a little catholic Doctrine in there yeah
is I still resonated with it yeah you
know after I watched it
but uh yeah I was
torment like uh my dreams
I couldn't like if I watched a bad movie
and go to sleep I get really bad
nightmares stuff like that
I don't know if you know people think
there's a double b behind every Rock I
don't think like that but they they
can't influence you I know that yeah but
it's a little stuff like that but after
I got saved all of that went away
I slept like a baby
you know
but yeah well I mean you would probably
would you agree you had peace because
you knew what God's word clearly said
yeah yeah and that's that's what
there's two things I want to comment on
that like the first thing is we need to
know the word we need to be amazing
women of the word right not people who
teach the word and I know that seems
contradictory because here we are on a
YouTube channel where I'm you know
hosting and posting content over and
but I would delete this channel in a
heartbeat right if it helped people get
further and closer to Christ in their
word I know and the way that we have
designed it um you know speaking about
me and Trent it's
we want to point people to the word so
it's not like I need to go see what
Pastor Jesse says about this right you
know what one of these days I'll be gone
or you know we don't have the channel
anymore I tell people all the time we're
only here as long as YouTube allows us
so uh you know if if all of a sudden
your favorite YouTube commentator
disappears does your faith also dwindle
we need to put our faith in the word and
we do that by placing our faith in
Christ but to grow up into the word is
to learn it understand it I'm talking
about this on Sunday morning about
adding to your faith but
and the second thing is that um that
what you said about a devil behind every
Rock there's so many people that are
like that today or I want to say the
I mean we know the scripture says the
devil is not he's right he does not have
the power that God has he's under his
control right now he has power over this
world and there are demons and I do
think demons are a real thing and they
do influence people but
I was just talking with someone the
other day and you had just uh brought
this up so I brought to my mind they
like take their Bible and put it behind
their head and they like hold across and
and they think that these things
the physical cross and the physical
Bible on on printed paper is what's
going to protect them but no they're
just objects you know they're objects
one of them points to the sacrifice of
Christ as a remembrance and the other
one contains the word of God but
people miss it and that's because
they're not there's there's there's an
inward transformation that happens and
it's an inward birth as the as the Bible
tells us it's brand new
so it's nice to hear that all your
nightmares go away and that you can
sleep easier because you're resting on
the word of God yeah his word yeah so
you have a YouTube channel and we'll
we'll put that link in the description
what um what's your goal with your
YouTube channel
just get people to focus on the word of
God because it's the most important
thing there is it's Eternal everything
else will fade away
and uh
and the word said it will whatever was
done in Christ will last everything else
will not it will be burnt up as hay and
stubble and sticks and rocks just was
was in this if you think about that this
that means a lot yeah and
I just want to point people to the word
and uh there's a lot of Doubt on what is
the word of God
and I try to tell people you know this
is where the word came from
yeah and uh
you should rest your faith on a King
James Bible yeah and because that is the
true word of God yeah people uh don't
realize how much these other
translations change words
it gets bad I I remember telling
somebody in the NIV in Mark no
Acts chapter 8 wherever the Ethiopian
eunuch is baptized oh yeah they take
pulse or uh Philip says to him
or the Ethiopian union says what must I
do to be baptized or something like that
he says
yeah and Philip in the original text you
know and in the in the King James says
if you believe with all your heart you
know if you believe on on Jesus Christ
then that's it the NIV removes yeah
then there's other ones like the ESV
I've studied both of them the ESV the NK
JV and all that what I don't like is
that they change the tenses of the word
and so someone will read in uh Hebrews
for a sec you know for for a second
they'll look in like Hebrews chapter 10
and it's like them that are being
Sanctified I mean yes we are being
Sanctified but that text is not talking
about the sanctification that is ongoing
it's not talking about that it's talking
about the justification that happened
the moment that Christ died on the cross
right and you put your faith in him
other words like believe they change to
our believing or continue in belief or
being saved being saved yep and we are
being saved from the power of sin but
we're not this is not a trial run yeah
to see if we're going to make it into
eternal life another one which is I
think the worst one is First John 3 9
this is those that practice sin
um I can't I can't remember exactly how
that verse goes but it's uh you're born
of God doth not practice sin and the
word commit there is commit one single
act which is clearly talking about your
new nature which is sinless yeah and
your old nature is what you still have
sin with and you're trying to walk in
your new nature
but they'll use like First John 3 9 as a
total text manipulation and it and all
of a sudden now people the eyes come off
a Christ and it comes back to my Works
my works and have I done enough have I
believed enough have I confessed enough
all that stuff there's a huge thing on
the internet going on right now about
calling on the name of the Lord
yeah I think the main reasons is because
they're not safe to begin with in first
John chapter 5 verse 10 it says they
that don't believe the record of God had
made him a liar yeah and I think that's
their whole Ministry to make God a liar
yeah to begin with and to make
themselves the Arbiters of Truth yeah
like oh you want to know what it is well
before you read your Bible come check
what I have to say that's why we do it
all the time here like Trent puts the
scripture up I want people to see we're
going to read here we're going to look
and if we look at a Greek word I'm going
to give you the I'm going to tell you
this is the most common understanding of
the word but within the whole scope of
the text this is what it means like the
word Repent Jesus used it all the time
as a change of mind
he when he was talking about the tower
that fell and killed 18 people or
whatever he's like you need to repent
turn from your sin I mean that would be
out of place in today's vernacular but
in the the way that he used it you need
to change your mind about what you
thought killed these people and look at
the truth
and so when Peter says repent and be
baptized he's not saying turn from your
sin and be baptized right he's saying
change your mind about your rejection of
Christ as the Messiah and Believe on him
yeah I mean some people think in verse
37 that they already got saved because
they they were pricked in their hearts
that that they knew whether that's true
or not I don't know but that word repent
is is very clear but when people
manipulate it yeah now it becomes the
pastor who tells you if you've turned
away from enough sin yeah I made a funny
video about repent of your sins that the
the father tries to share the gospel his
little kid
but the little kid ends up being already
saved and knows more about scripture
than the father this is pretty it's
pretty neat yeah
well I think uh I mean I think it's been
encouraging I remember you coming into
church I I want to say a month ago maybe
more than that yeah I've got a five
month old so time is kind of you know
whatever when the Sun is up it's day
when the sun is down it's night but
um I remember talking to you and and I'm
just really encouraged that you're here
yeah and I know you'll be going back to
Chicago for a little bit but you're
planning on coming back yeah
um and I I know that I know the people
watching will be encouraged you because
you're a bible-line listener yeah so
yeah you know I I think that's pretty
neat but also to see you know you're in
this situation that you're in where a
lot of people
if I can be frank you know they would
have kind of thrown in the towel and
just no you gotta keep moving on yeah
and to see that and to see where your
focus is that it's on Christ it's
extremely encouraging and it's a proof
it's a it's a proof case that trusting
in the word is enough it's not it's like
not uh almost enough like and you need
this self-help positive talk too
you're just relying on the word and
that's very refreshing and it's very
rare So my encouragement to you is to
keep it up yeah I got my good days and
my bad days but I yeah I'm sure we'll
try to keep motivating
to share the good news yeah and I like
that you're you're clear on the gospel
yeah that you're willing to share that
you gave me uh one of your gospel cards
that has the get out of get out of hell
free yeah yeah I got one right here yeah
I loved it when I saw it I thought
that's pretty clever and that you you
share you're passing those out all the
time right yeah yeah
is that the right camera
don't chance it get out of hell free
this card may be kept until needed offer
expires when you die it looks legit and
then on the back this one too okay
boom right there and then it has all
this information you have a QR code on
there too yeah at least two video if
they don't know the gospel the gospels
on there is it a video on your channel
yeah okay cool
yeah so I mean a lot of people wouldn't
even go to this link and I'm not saying
you have to but it's nice that you're
doing it and that people are are hearing
about it yeah yeah I chose a business
here because I could care a lot on me
yeah and it's just simple yeah so you
can put it in her pocket and I throw it
what are some of the reactions you get
when you pass that out there's like no
thank you oh really yeah or don't read
it and give it back yeah but some some
of them put it in their pockets yeah you
know planting seeds man yeah planting
seeds that's all you can do I I play
disc golf and I try to go like once a
week and get out there and like throw
the disc around but I'm working on a
disc golf tracked that like I'm gonna
leave in the baskets oh okay I don't
know how it's gonna work because disc
golf is a very like
I don't know some of the people are kind
of like Spacey a little bit Yeah I never
heard of disc golf I never heard of it
either but it's fun man I like it and
it's way easier than regular Golf and
it's less expensive and it costs less
like time you know but I'm thinking
about something to do that because I
the more opportunities that we have to
get people in front of the Gospel we
have no idea what people are going
through zero right and how much people
may be praying for the truth like when
you had when you bumped your keyboard
and all of a sudden you start thinking
about saying and about your sin and I
mean I believe the holy spirit is trying
to lead you and guide you in Detroit and
you came across the truth you put your
faith in Christ now you have a Ministry
you have an opportunity but I feel like
if we get real pessimistic and we say
like people don't care about like then
we really start doing damage like in a
negative way but if we're ready we're
willing and able we have those kind of
why not make a disc golf track and leave
it on a basket you never know someone
could yeah you never know you never know
and they're looking for that so
well it's been great man I've enjoyed
this time oh me too we'll be sure to put
your channel down in the uh uh
description down there and for those of
you who have a question for Tommy leave
it in the comments I'm sure you know
he's got his channel and he's frequent
here so he'll he'll check that and and
if you have a question a Bible question
about anything really send it to it send
it to us questions at Bible questions at bible
lime and until next time
we're going to keep looking up because
Jesus certainly is coming soon God bless
you guys thank you God bless if you
enjoyed today's episode of Bible line
make sure to subscribe to the channel
and share this video with a friend do
you have a Bible question send us an
email questions at and we'll do our
best to get you an answer or you can
leave your question in the comments of
this video be sure to check the links in
the description for more clear Bible
teaching Bible and is in Ministry of
Calvary Community Church located in
Tampa Florida
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