Conversations with Jessie Czebotar#12 - Signs, Symbols and Discernment

1 year ago

It is a delight to have Jessie Czebotar back on Testimony Mountain! This is our 12th (can you believe it?) interview and boy do we have a lot of things to unpack. Only two weeks after her amazing recent workshop "Beautifully Adorned" (which I was so honored to host at our place here in Texas), we discuss how to navigate what we see, hear, and experience within churches and in the media with the knowledge we now have about the System and how those within it communicate out in the world at large.

How can one discern an actual sign that the System may be operating in a situation versus a judgement that may be based on our own triggered reaction?

How do we find peace with our decisions to engage (or not engage) in media and other aspects of the entertainment industry?

Of course, it all comes down to connecting with the Lord / the Family of God as we seek guidance and truth in these challenging yet amazing times. And, like always, Jessie provides insightful and invaluable guidance on our journey toward wholeness.

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