SMP EP95: Ryan Michler - Why Men Need Other Men To Grow & Heal Their Pain

1 year ago

“I’m a grown-ass man. So at some point we need to let go of the excuses like, ‘Oh, my father wasn’t around…’ Well, how long are you going to lean on your father not being around for you to not be a man. At some point that excuse expires.”

Ryan Michler has been supporting men and masculinity for almost 10 years. He’s the founder of the Order Of Man and The Iron Council which is more than answering the call for creating community and leadership among men. He’s a friend of Sovereign Man and he’s here to help remind us why this work needs to be done. Topics covered include fatherless homes, disengaged and confused fathers, empowering your ability to serve your family and community through economic success, and of course, how important it is to find your community of men.

To learn more about Order Of Man and The Iron Council, go to

And look for the Order of Man podcast on all podcast players.

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