#96 Which Food Oils are Safe and Why are some downright BAD?

2 years ago

There’s no getting around it. We NEED fats in our diet and oils in many of our foods provide it.

We were meant to eat the GOOD oils (Avocado, olive, coconut, Peanut(unrefined), flax, butter, ghee, tallow, lard, cocoa, Mac nut, almond, walnut, sesame, fish oil)

In order to allow your body to stop fighting unnecessary inflammation, avoid excessive PUFAs! They are loaded in the bad oils (Soy, corn, vegetable, sunflower, safflower, CANOLA aka Rapeseed, grapeseed, cottonseed, ricebran, palm)

BUT choosing the wrong oils to cook with, or the selecting packaged foods that might have certain oils in them could be keeping you overweight, tired, and giving you metabolic complications scubas migraines, body aches, and even sniffles or asthma.

YES! All of those symptoms are more often than not related to an inflamed metabolic state that cannot manage the oxidative stress.

HUGE thanks to Cate Shanahan, MD for an excellent outline to tackle so many aspects of this topic. Check out her website here: https://drcate.com/

See her safe and dangerous oils table here: https://drcate.com/list-of-good-fats-and-oils-versus-bad/

In this graph, think of the exploding issue of obesity, and notice how the danger fats consumption has gone up, while good fats like butter have gone down (Don’t use margarine!) https://drcate.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/essential-fatty-acid-intake-in-the-20th-century-B-1.jpg

Further reading on oils and their dangers: https://drcate.com/the-hateful-eight-enemy-fats-that-destroy-your-health/

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