San Francisco drag queen honored at State Capitol for some reason

1 year ago

Hey, did you know it’s ‘Pride Month’? Yes, we know they seem to say that every month, but trust us guys, this really is true-and-honest Pride Month. As such, politicians must appease the woke gods by prostrating themselves in front of, well, some very odd people.

Case in point - San Francisco Senator Scott Wiener (name checks out), who has invited a person called ‘Sister Roma’ to the State Capitol to be honored with a ceremony. The reason isn’t clear, but we’re sure there must be one.

‘Sister Roma' is a member of the ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,’ a group of ‘queer and trans activists’ who call themselves ‘nuns’. To no one’s surprise, this has angered many Christians, who assembled at the Capitol for a prayer vigil in protest.

Not sure why they call themselves nuns, guess it just became a habit.


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