Questions answered

1 year ago
Why does the narcissist do what they do? We have all answered this question for ourselves by searching out why the narcissist, lies, cheats, steals, and just doesn't give a dang about anybody but themselves.

Answering the why has left us with more questions. I know it did me. And then I began to ask the question WHY concerning myself.

The why led me to an answer I didn't know how to let go of; fear. Fear is our greatest strength when it comes to dealing with trauma, however it is our greatest weakness when healing from trauma.

You have questions, there are answers. It is just a matter of how you go about seeking those answers outside of yourself, or within. It turns out where you go for help can make all the difference.

Here's a short video to help you on your healing journey, and if you should want to talk with me, please use this link to sign up to meet with me and let's work together to helping you release the burden of fear that keeps you root bound to the narcissist.

Want help? Let's talk:

#narcissism #help #helping #selfcare #whyme #why #selfhelp #questionsandanswers #discoveryourself #councilor #mentorship #healing

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