Newt Gingrich on Fox News Channel's Fox & Friends | December 29, 2020

3 years ago


Look, I'm the only Speaker of the House in your lifetime who's balanced a federal budget for four straight years, so I believe in balanced budgets, but this is like being in World War II. We have a disaster in this country made dramatically worse by Democratic governors in places like California, Illinois , New York, who have been crushing small business, killing the restaurant industry. The big losers have been middle class Americans. The big winners have been the very rich and government employees got paid for not doing any work including millions of members of the Teacher's Union who didn't do any work but got literally collectively billions of dollars for sitting around. I think if you're an average everyday person you look at all this mess, and you think the government has clearly not done its job, particularly the state government led by Democrats, and $2,000 will help me. I think that's what's going on. I think when you're in the middle of a crisis like this or like World War II, phase one is to get out of the crisis. Frankly, the tragedy of Biden potentially becoming president is if he goes back to Obama's failed policies, we'll get no economic growth, we'll have high unemployment. The only answer to the balanced budget is to have very dramatic levels of growth and underlying structural reforms. You're not going to get either of those in a Democratic presidency.


Well if you've got terrible candidates, more money just increases the size of the bankruptcy. The big thing to me in the last two weeks, we've suddenly realized not only how radical Raphael Warnock is and a lot of his views. His endorsement, for example, of Reverend Wright's sermon that talked about "Gd America" and the chickens would come home to roost at 9/11 but also Warnock's personal problems with his ex- wife, and Warnock's apparent failure to run a children's camp several years back. They now have an eye witness now in his early 30s talking about how terrible the camp was, how abused children were, and that Warnock was responsible. Warnock I think is in deep free fall now, and in Ossoff's case we've now discovered that he lied about how much money he was getting out of China. He's been paid by the Chinese apparently for several companies, has not released the amount of money. Coming on top of what we've seen with Swalwell, the Democratic Congressman who had a relationship with a Chinese communist spy, and with what we've seen with Hunter Biden, I think Ossoff now has a big problem. Do you really want a Chinese communist-sponsored U.S. Senator from Georgia? I think most Georgians are going to say no.


The only survey I've seen actually says about 80% of the American people favor the president's proposal. I think it's because as I said a minute ago, the average American knows that the really rich have done well, the government employees getting paid full-time for doing nothing have done well, and if you're an average American you've been battered, including in Democratic states by terrible terrible policies. There's a huge underlying ground swell for what Trump wants to do. Obviously, Senator Loeffler has to make her own mind up, but my advice would be to vote for it because we are in a situation where the president has appealed to his own base. He's coming to Georgia on Monday night to campaign for both Senator Loeffler and Senator Perdue and turning out his base is central to their winning. I think they will win and in the long run, that this is just one more piece of data that's not going to define things by itself. On the other hand I would say this is not about deficit spending. That train is long gone. We're in the middle of a disaster. I think the average American deserves some help. The very rich have done obscenely well out of rising price stock values et cetera. The public employee unions have done absurdly well, not going to work while collecting full paychecks, which is why you don't get pressure on the left to do anything except crush small businesses and crush restaurants and cripple people's ability to go to church. It's really been a weird couple months, and I think the president, who's pretty good at this stuff, has figured out a winning formula. I would just say to the average Republican, when a big enough train comes through, it just as well for you to throw yourself on the tracks and get run over.


Absolutely, and that's because the universities have been abandoned to Marxists and socialists, and for two generations they've been teaching young people things that are just not true. You're graduating a lot of people thinking Venezuela or Cuba is a success story which is a total denial of reality The only thing I'd change about what you just said is the current Democratic party is way to the left. Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930s would have opposed it. He was against welfare. He was for work requirements.

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