Open Eyes Ep. 105 | Crossover Episode - "Out Of The Woodwork."

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Dr. Robyn and the investigative team uncover the latest headlines you won’t see the mainstream media giving attention and focus.

Dr. Robyn and the Dark II Light team enter into a new type of boldness that we have never seen before. They are joined by two special guests, — Dr. Tony Kassas & Ps. Nathan Kassas — for a special crossover episode to open your eyes to the reality of what is happening worldwide.

The panel discusses the latest world events and hones in on how all throughout history; the Church has provided itself as the moral compass for society. As the church stands in its place, society’s morals and standards are so adjusted. But what happens when the church starts accepting what it has stood against? Tune in to this powerful episode to hear our panelists remind us of the authority that we, as the church, possess and how when we stop being the guardian of our brother’s heart, we leave him to his own devices. Thus, every man does what is right in his own eyes.
As always, our team does not leave us without hope. Dr. Robyn reminds us that when we, the Church, rise up from our “sleeping-giant” state, we will see the selfishness of the enemy and his boasting expose evil within itself and bring everything to the surface and out of the woodwork.

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