Newt Gingrich on Fox Business Channel's Mornings with Maria | June 1, 2021

3 years ago


Well, look, I think that for 2022 the key priority is to lay out a positive agenda, positive vision. For example, overwhelmingly because of the mess the schools have gotten into, there's massive support for school of choice including very high support among Hispanics, African Americans, and across the board. So, school of choice and the need to really reform the schools that are failing so badly would be a very high value Republican position. I also think that there's a really big argument coming down the road between those who agree with Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. that our children should be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. And the left-wing belief that we ought to do everything by race, which this administration has embraced in a way that is I think astonishing, unconstitutional, just got knocked down by the courts. But this whole issue of should you measure people by the color of their skin or by the content of their character, I think is going to be a very big issue. Third is refunding the police. You've had a collapse of the Giuliani model which had ended crime in New York for all practical purposes. 85% reduction in murders. They knew what they were doing. Chief Braten did it brilliantly, Mayor Giuliani led the way. That system has collapsed totally and around the country you have astonishing murder rates and shooting rates, the kind of thing you just showed video of. What kind of a country are we when we're getting video of three guys who were obviously out on a hit job. And I think the average American doesn't want to live in a country where you have to be afraid to go out on the street and that's what we're becoming because of the left's propensity to be pro-criminal and anti-police. So, I think those are examples of issues. In terms of Biden's spending plan, he wants to have Christmas in June, July, August, September, October and November and December. He wants to give away so much money that the level of inflation will be equal to or better, higher than Jimmy Carter. This is really madness. By the way, a number of democratic fairly liberal economists have pointed out.


Well, I think they've had a tremendous impact already. I mean, Pelosi has had to force all of her marginal members to make suicidal votes. They can't go home and defend these votes. She's virtually guaranteed losing the house by 20 or 30 or more votes. That's beginning to sink in. I think there's a lot of Democrats who are very uncomfortable being told to walk the plank again and again so the machine will be happy with them. In the senate, as you pointed out earlier, although it's 50 plus the vice president, they don't have a real majority. And they have a couple of Democrats who are getting more and more concerned, and I have a hunch, particularly as we see these inflation numbers continue to come in, that you're going to see a number of Democrats who are old enough to remember the Carter years saying, whoa, I just can't go that far. So, I think you are going to see -- you're already seeing an erosion of the momentum that Biden thought they brought in from the election.


Look, if President Biden was a Republican, Hunter would be in jail. The fact is, he's had gun violations. He clearly, I think engaged in overseas foreign practices. And I think that there's no question that the level of corruption we're seeing -- and by the way, this extends across the board. They have appointed somebody who lost $900 million in Washington state unemployment money, mostly to Nigerians who were hacking in and stealing identities. They have appointed somebody who lost $32 billion in California on unemployment money, most of that went to American criminals. And none of this seems to bother Biden or the Democrats at all. The president himself said, you know, some people believe China will pass us -- I think he said China will own us in 15 years. Well, you'd think if an American president believed that he would have a plan to make it -- you know, to stop it. I'll give you one simple example. There's a bill introduced to allow Americans to sue China over COVID. And people say, well, that's nice but you'll never collect it. We ought to put a 30% tariff on all of Chinese imports and build up a trust fund so that if people do win these lawsuits, the money is sitting there in the bank to pay them. We don't have to allow China to lie, manipulate, cheat, and pretend we can't do anything. We're their largest customer. They have a huge investment in us. And I think that they just think we're so timid and so cowardly that they can run over us every morning. Unfortunately, the Biden administration reinforces that.

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