SoulCast -You Are a Warrior of Loving Light

1 year ago

The purpose of SoulCast is to help you go within to connect with your own soul to get the answers and guidance you need to navigate through these times of upheaval.

I address your inside world in comparison to your outside world.
Spirit continues to encourage you to go into silence and just be. Be with yourself, query the self, ask about what you get to let go of, what things no longer serve your best and highest good.

It’s also time to practice forgiveness of yourself. That may be a difficult request to make because for many it is easier to forgive others than it is to forgive yourself. Please let go of your past mistakes and give yourself a clean slate every day.

In addition to forgiving yourself, you are also being asked to relinquish any thoughts or feelings of unworthiness and undeservingness. By doing so you make room for new golden opportunities and abundance to enter into your life.

Find the silver lining in every experience and strive to hold an “attitude of gratitude". Gratitude is a high vibrational emotion and allows you to move into the Love frequency.

When you maintain a high vibrational attitude, good things happen, and things get easier and go your way more often than not. Look for Gods hands working in your life.

We are in a spiritual war and the tools I am giving you are meant to help you fight this war, spiritually. Be strong and take courage. You are a warrior of Light and Love. You fight through self-empowerment with loving kindness.

You can find me at:
• Website:
• Questions:
• Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and Truth Social @Soululaire
• Love and Gratitude Jar: Venmo @Soululaire-1

Have a Super Great week.
Love you,

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