The Mystery of Suffering: The Book of Job

1 year ago

Job lost everything: his children, his wealth, his health. Yet Job never gave up his faith in God. He continued to trust God.

Job is a story full of timeless wisdom, one of the most challenging books in the Bible. We can take heart from its pages.

Job was counted a righteous man, yet he suffered greatly. He was a God-fearing man - he loved God. His faith was right, he was saved. Every day he consecrated his children with burnt offerings. He prayed for them.

Job faced many storms and tragedies. Let's learn how Job handled his tough times.

The Lord said unto satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job? There is none like him in the earth; a perfect and an upright man. One that feareth God and shuns evil.

Satan said, Doth Job fear God for naught? He was saying, Job's only got faith because of all the benefits. Satan asks permission to test Job. Satan is only allowed to do what God allows him to do.

We're living in a world where pain happens, and when it does happen it can rock our faith and we can wonder what's going on – and where is God in our pain?

Suffering is the universal experience - the real human experience. Job 14:1 says, Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble.

Even as God's children we still can face troubling times, sadness, bruising, and even deep heart pains. Deep wounds. Savage storms. In such times we can find that firm foundation of faith; that anchor that keeps the soul.

Job faced trial after trial and loss after loss. He lost his material possessions and even his own beloved children.

Job falls down in worship. He proclaims, The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Psalm 42:11, Why art thou cast down O my soul… hope thou in God, for I shall yet praise Him who is the health of my countenance and my God.

Job’s faith held steady as a rock. Job in his pain was in the very centre of God’s will. Brave the storm, by faith. Trust God, knowing that He is in full control. Even in his deep sorrow, his hurting, his mourning yet Job knew an unwavering trust and worship of God. We're in the palm of his hand. We can trust him, even when we can't understand what he's doing. Suffering doesn't stop our praise. We can yet know that God is good, and that he will never abandon us. Learn to trust – in God’s ultimate plan.

Again, the Lord said unto satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job that there is none like him in the earth… still he holdeth fast his Integrity… Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown. From head-to-toe Job was covered in boils. His whole body was a mass of sores. He was in agony.

His wife tells him, Curse God and die. Job’s faith was unwavering. He refused to sin with his lips.

Can we have the heart to help those who suffer? Give comfort and support? Job's friends turned up and sat with him. But their advice turned into accusations. They should have tried to comfort and pray for him - but instead they kept condemning and blaming him.

Rather, may we be a helpful friend – one who can encourage others and help them find hope in God's promises.

Our Lord can relate to the feelings of our infirmities. He's endured human suffering. He knows what pain is. He knows your pain. He truly understands.

God is present and is listening for our cry. He’s the source of our healing and wholeness. God will bind up our wounds – he is the healer of the brokenhearted. Even if our hurting be the deepest heartbreak of life, Jesus has come to heal the brokenhearted.

Job, even in the midst of his pain, could yet declare by faith his trust in God. Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him. Job 19:25, For I know that my redeemer liveth… Jesus is alive. Job could say, But he knoweth the way that I take - when he hath tried me I shall come forth as gold. God is making Heavenly grade gold - pure gold - out of your life.

God holds the universe in his hands - he hangeth the earth upon nothing… Know that the power of this one who holds the earth in space holds you. Your life is held in his very hands. He will hold you steady. We can find our strength in him and his promises as we navigate the trials of life.

God's restoration of Job is a reminder that he is the God of Hope. We can trust God that he will enable. Exercise your faith so that you can grow. Suffering is a part of your exercising of your faith.

God can bring beauty out of ashes. Don't lose heart when tough things happen.

We can find hope and strength - the one who holds the earth in space holds us by his grace. Even in the valley, in the darkest of times. Though we be in the lowest pit - the deepest despair of life… we can exercise our faith. God is growing you, transforming you.
Know the Redeemer - he'll carry you through the storms. He'll give you the hope and strength to endure. He holds us – his unfailing love and faithfulness sustains us.

The testimony of Job came out of the test of Job.

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