Newt Gingrich | Fox News Sunday Morning Futures | May 1, 2022

2 years ago


Well, first of all, as a citizen, all of us have to worry about having a commander in chief who at a minimum seems to be confused a lot and at a maximum may well have a serious cognitive problems. I mean, a commander in chief in a dangerous world, that should bother all of us way beyond politics. And it's clearly obvious every single week with President Biden. I think, second, he has a dual problem. He has a performance problem. Go to the gas pump, go to the grocery store, talk to average Americans, they feel every day the failure of government to perform. And he has a policy problem which Elon Musk captured perfectly this week that they've now moved so far to the left they're doing things that are so nutty that people both reject how they're performing but also reject what they believe. Creating a government censorship office is crazy. Opening the border totally is crazy. You just go through item after item like that, and you have to think this is a party and a president that have totally lost their way.


Well, I think it's another example of Elon Musk being unbelievably smarter than almost everybody else. He took everything pollsters and social analysts have been saying and political analysts and put it into a couple very simple tweets, a couple simple stick figures. Back this 2008 he was sort of a liberal, and the liberals were fairly close to the center. Then in 2012 he was sort of in the center, and the liberals were going to the left. Now today he finds himself to the right of center, and he finds the liberals have gone crazy, they're so far to the left. And meanwhile the conservatives in his stick figures are about where they've always been in the record of Reagan and what we did and Trump. So, I thought he captured in that one documenting the whole policy problem. Now, as I said, there are two things going on there’s a performance failure and there's a policy failure. And I thought Musk did a great job, it's sort of ironic that he put that together -- And I think the average American can look at that and say where are you on this continuum? Do you like government censorship? You like an open border? You like letting murderers back out on the street? Then you must be a Democrat. And I think that's sort of what Musk captured.


Well, the University of Pennsylvania, that we know of, has gotten at least $67 million from Chinese sources, anonymous sources. University of Pennsylvania refused to turn over information to the justice department in the last year of the Trump presidency, one of the major jobs of Congress should be to subpoena the university of Pennsylvania's records. They created the Penn Biden Center for public policy. I don't know how many administration staff who are being paid from that center, but they were being paid with Chinese money. And you have anonymous Chinese donors, the largest of which was $14.5 million. So, you take everything that Hunter Biden ever did, and then you look at what Joe Biden was doing. The story here is not Hunter Biden. The story here is the head of the family just like a mafia family, the head of the family -- who, by the way, if you go back and pull up what he said in various campaign events, I knew nothing, I never discussed my son's business. Well, we now know he wrote an $800,000 check for his son's legal expenses in business. This wasn't criminal, this was including Chinese businesses. He wants us to believe he wrote an $800,000 check and didn't discuss his son's business? If he wants us to believe he flew for 17 hours to China, and they didn't discuss his son's business? The truth is Joe Biden is a liar. This is a corrupt family occupying the White House, and we need to get to the bottom of it. And I believe the university of Pennsylvania's $67 million from China is a lot bigger scandal than Hunter Biden's laptop, as big a scandal, frankly, as the laptop is.


I think we'll pick up between 25 and 70 seats in the house, probably pick up about 4 seats at least in the senate. I think people like Herschel Walker are going to do very, very well. In addition, I would say if you're in a district that Biden carried by less than 15 or 20 points, you're in great danger as a Democrat. And if the tsunami is big enough, we beat Ross Kousky for example in downtown Chicago, nobody thought that was impossible. Once these things start, look at what is happening with the latino vote, we are now stronger -- Republicans -- with Hispanics than we are with why notes, and Kevin McCarthy will be speaker, and I think he will do an amazingly good job.

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