Newt Gingrich | Fox News Channel's Hannity | March 20 2023

1 year ago


First of all, mental health is a very important issue and the number of Americans who committing suicides or dying from drug overdose or having their lives ruining, ending up homeless that's all a tragedy. I think what today shows you more was the absolute shallow behavior of the Biden administration. We are in a very dangerous situation. We have two major international competitors, Russia, and China, coming closer and closer together. We have a president who clearly does not have a clue of what to do. We have a vice president who is an embarrassment in the best possible insurance policy for keeping Biden as president. And Americans need to understand this is not a game. This is not one of those things where you get on x-box. We are in a real world faced with real crisis. And we have a president who is totally out of touch with reality in terms of what's going on in the world. I personally as an historian, think this is the most dangerous period we have been in since Washington crossed the Delaware on Christmas night 1776. I think the number of things going bad are so great and the threat to our civilization is so great that we really need a dramatic change and you saw today. Not only is the show, a situation comedy, in a large part the Biden administration is a situation comedy. That's dangerous because the world is not a comedy.


No, I think you are right. I think first of all, it is very sobering that Xi Jinping last week, secretary of general of the Chinese communist party which is his real title, gave four different speeches in one week on preparing for war. I think people should take that seriously and understand how determined, how aggressive, and how competent XI jinping is. Putin was a KBG agent and himself ruthless tough smart. They represent a totalitarian, dictatorship-led world where they take care of each other against the democracy. Almost, exactly a recreation of the axis power of Italy and Germany of Japan in the 1930s who took on democracy. And now unlike the 1930s, we have a president dedicated to weakness, dedicated to confusion, whose family and you just saw this last week got $3 million from the Chinese communist in one check. There is lots of other money out there. We have no idea how corrupt activity the Biden family is. What we do know is the attorney general who's as bitter and as frankly dishonest as the current attorney general. Nothing is going to be done. That's a crisis itself. You have an American system an enormous crisis with the news media that does not want to cover the truth.


I think Xi Jinping looks at the Biden family which I suspect he thinks he owns. And he thinks this the moment what America is truly is what Mao once called us a paper tiger. I think it is a very sobering and frankly as a citizen, a very frightening moment in America's history.

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