Episode 511: The Immortals – General George Marshall

2 years ago

General George Catlett Marshall graduated from Virginia Military Institute, and served in the Philippines and in World War I. He was later an aide to General John Pershing and assistant commandant of the Army’s infantry school where he taught many future commanders. As chief of staff of the U.S. Army he directed army operations throughout World War II. After his retirement in 1945, President Harry Truman sent him to China to mediate the civil war there. As Secretary of State, Marshall proposed the European aid program known as the Marshall Plan and initiated discussions that led to the formation of NATO. He resigned because of ill health but was called back by Truman to become Secretary of Defense and to prepare the armed forces for the Korean War. In 1953 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace. Given everything he accomplished in his life, he truly is an Immortal.


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