The 'Prom Queen' Mixed Up in America's SCARIEST Cult

1 year ago

Jon Ronson is back on the show to discuss Carol Howe, a woman whose series of bad decisions led her into the heart of white supremacy cult. SPONSOR: If you’re ever injured in an accident, you can check out Morgan & Morgan. You can submit a claim in 8 clicks or less without having to leave your couch. For more info, go to

But could Carol Howe have stopped the Oklahoma disaster?


Jon Ronson wrote some of my favourite books, including The Psychopath Test and So, You've Been Publicly Shamed. Check out the Debutante here:

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0:00 Klan didn't know Jon was Jewish!
4:42 The 2 mysteries of the Debutante
6:50 A series of VERY bad life choices
9:30 Joined Temple of Psychic Youth cult
12:20 Something happens (white kids)
15:00 Meeting Dennis Mahon (nutcase)
17:00 Why she joined white cult
19:45 Why Jon interviews scary people
22:50 Carol: leaves Dennis...then THIS
25:00 The truth about Carol's feet
28:00 Dennis STALKS Carol
30:00 Tragic End to Undercover Informant
33:15 How Jon got Carol's private tapes
36:00 Carol hooks up with Andy the German
37:20 Oklahoma City B0mbing
39:30 If they'd listened to Carol...
41:15 Why the b0mbing happened / incels
44:00 WACO & David Koresh
46:10 Who was John Doe 2?

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