pASS or GAS! Slicer, Hired Muscle (#5) cEDH

1 year ago

Would you keep this hand from this cEDH deck by Alacrin ?
Check out this 60-second deck tech:

This hand is gas gas gas. It has a T1 slicer and interaction in the form of Anger of the Gods. Even with all this gas, I would pass on this hand if you are playing in a pod where creatures will have little to no game impact, which isn’t too likely in the current meta of cEDH – and even casual play. This hand will play especially well into those greedy Winota decks that derive security because their strategies are creature based. The biggest issue with this hand is that it doesn’t have a plan to stall decks other than those using creatures to execute their game plan. Even so, this isn’t necessarily a bad hand to keep, but you should likely pass it up on a first and second seven and keep it on a six or five.

Overall, this hand depends on the pod and the mulligan point.


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