Filled with the Spirit to Forgive

1 year ago

John 20:22 “When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”

In this resurrection appearance, Jesus breathes Spirit into his disciples and connects the work of the Spirit within them specifically to forgiveness. Spirit-infused people forgive. If we don’t the consequences are dire. Forgiveness does not mean that we say that what happened didn’t matter, or even that if someone who has hurt us says they are sorry that makes it ok. If it had been ok, there would be no need for forgiveness. Forgiveness simply means that we choose not to allow what happened to rule us any longer. It means that we release the other from the obligation to somehow make right what cannot be made right. Just like God does for us. It doesn’t necessarily mean we forget. It just means that we stop giving away our energy and power. It means that we choose not to let the ones who have hurt us set the terms and times of our healing. Are there any persons that you know you need to forgive? Why is that hard? Write about this if you choose. Think about the consequences of not forgiving. Are you the one who loses the benefit, or are they? Ask Spirit to help you see where forgiveness is needed and to strengthen you to begin. Don’t be unforgiving of yourself if you can’t do it right now! Sometimes forgiveness takes many, many, breaths of the Spirit.

Prayer: Come Holy Spirit and set me free from hurts that linger. In Jesus’ holy name, I pray. Amen.
#dailydevotional #dailymotivation

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