Pluto in Aquarius: The 20 Year Plan

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June Cosmic Weather Report written by Mark Borax

On June 11 Pluto slips out of Aquarius, where it's been since Spring Equinox, into Capricorn for about seven months. In 2008 Pluto entered Capricorn, sign of authority, government and power, and that year brought a financial crisis caused by banking greed and government collusion. During the last 15 years as Pluto delved deeper into the sign of the seagoat, further abuses of power erupted as world government swung more and more toward totalitarianism masquerading as democracy.

Pluto is going to spend most of the next 20 years in Aquarius, sign of revolution, except for two brief regressions into Capricorn: June 11 this year through January 21 next year, and September 2 through November 20 next year.

During the next seven months we can expect further entrenchment of delusional government with full media complicity, which seems to have at least half the world population brainwashed into thinking wrong is right and bad is good. But a good percentage of the world seems to be waking up from the mirage of false power. The more world tyranny presses down the screws the more it will foment the revolution bound to come when Pluto deepens its journey through Aquarius.

That journey gives us 20 years to make it or break it as a species, which means whoever you are, wherever you live, don't squelch your love or hold back your truth. Either our species finally wakes up to realize we're all in this together, or there's going to be little left of this Earth for our descendents to inherit.

June Astrology Report

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