His Glory Presents: Julie Green Ministries Ep. 34 "THE PRESSURE IS BUILDING AGAINST YOUR ENEMIES"

1 year ago

His Glory Presents: Julie Green Ministries Ep. 34 "THE PRESSURE IS BUILDING AGAINST YOUR ENEMIES"

Your enemies are under great pressure to surrender, give in, give up, turn on one another, and find other ways and plans. They are under great pressure to find other ways not to surrender, not to get caught, and not to lose. Your enemies are trying to devise other plans and means to escape, but they won't find anything because there is no way out. There is no way for them to win, hide, or have what they want. Their time in the spotlight and thinking they are running the show is all coming crashing down in the blink of an eye, it may appear for some, because they didn't see it coming. They couldn't have because the enemies have been blinded from the truth.

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