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Believer Beware Part 1 | Sunday PM Service
Calvary Community Church of Tampa LIVE PM Service Service with Pastor Jesse Martinez
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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.
(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)
#beware #believer #dangers #hebrews #bibleline
all right let's take our Bibles and we're going to turn to the book of Hebrews in chapter 2.
I know a big scary title up there but we're starting uh I
think it'll be about nine weeks that we'll study this Topic in Hebrews that are warnings to
the Believers I taught Hebrews oh I don't know how long ago maybe sometime
in 2021 maybe going into 2022 but it's an excellent study and as we did our
verse by verse study we came across a lot of different things and we covered some of these These Warnings initially
well the reason why I want to talk about them today is because I'll Tell You Folks it's it's the same old thing I'm
seeing a lot of people come here to Calvary through the internet world
and uh they're they're saved but they have no Assurance of their salvation and what really what what really amazes
me and and to be honest in the beginning this this irritated me because I was just kind of thinking well
how don't you know better and and why are these things still something that you're struggling with but I get it now
because the prominence of these false teachers that are out there uh their their prominence makes them very
powerful to where you'll hear hear a message or you'll you'll read something and it'll
stick in your mind as the only interpretation on a certain portion of scripture and what I want to do tonight is not
focus on the warnings yet but we're going to talk about how These Warnings
that we see they do not negate they do not eliminate
the promises that we see of eternal life however if you're not careful you're
going to read that right into everything in Hebrews this this can become one of those books that we don't we don't talk
about Hebrews because there's some scary things in there I'm going to read you something that I came across this week There's a
channel on YouTube the name of the channel is c4c apologetics is an
assistant pastor in Alabama he pastors at Open Door Bible Church
sound on the gospel sound on eternal security good guy uh great reader too
he's read a lot of material and he's around an area that has a lot of Mormons so he created c4c apologetics
to just kind of put his studies on the internet to help people that are stuck in Mormonism
he started a series um called straight out of Calvinism and he's basically rounded up a bunch of
different ex-calvinists and he's got them in front of a microphone and a camera and they
are sharing their testimony back and forth I listened to a young man who's in Utah his name is Cole morgani I think but
he's doing uh Ministry out there to LDS people Church of the Latter-Day Saints which is they don't call them Mormons
really anymore they're they're trying to move away from that because of a lot of things that have come out about the
Mormon beliefs which surprise surprise their weird sorry the people are not weird the beliefs are weird because
they're not biblical and he's he's ministering to people but um for a while
he was a calvinist and he would often think to himself you know one of the main points of
Calvinism is unconditionally election and so you probably know this especially
those of you who are here on Sunday nights God has chosen those to eternal life and he's chosen people to Eternal damnation
and it's not up to the person whether God chose you or not it's the sovereignty of God
and the calvinist Really sticks on that point even Spurgeon Charles Spurgeon who
had a clear gospel in many ways he was a calvinist especially on this point John Calvin himself the originator of these
ideas in the Reformation he really stuck to this point but this young man Cole he
would go out to these LDS Believers and he would be talking to them and in the back of his mind slowly
it was coming to the front of his mind he would ask this question does God really love the person I'm
talking to because his Doctrine demanded his his theological system demanded that you
don't know that that there are certainly people that you will come across that God does not love in fact he hates them
he created them for his hatred and there's nothing you can do about that so you're actually wasting your time if you
talk to somebody that God is predestined against their will to go to hell and that bothered him that bothered him a
lot he would then transform as he went through a lot of different uh personal sin he was struggling quite a bit with a
lot of sin and when he would fall into sin he would cry out to God I mean he would lay himself out on his apartment
floor and weep bitterly for God to save him because he thought that his sin was
keeping him from Heaven because well this is proof that you didn't have genuine faith do you know how much that messes with
your mind I mean can you imagine if you were to be in here today and and you don't know if you're going to heaven
tomorrow it's all based on your performance I don't think we realize how blessed we
are to be here and hear things over and over that people hear once in their life
they hear it once in their life anyway the story I'm going to tell here Lance on this point we're about to do a video
this week on a teacher whose name is Paul Washer he is from a Ministry called
heart crime Ministry and he is a false teacher uh this guy I think is probably one of
the main contributors to a lot of young people's lack of assurance I'm going to
tell you a story that Cole shared it's a video on the internet Trent is going to find it this week it's a part of our
research for the video but in this video Paul Washer I want you to know his name and I want
you to know his ministry because he's out there millions of views he is interviewing uh some teacher
excuse me a teacher is interviewing him and throughout the discussion of this interview Paul Washer shares this story
that he had a young girl who was at a college campus reality that he was attending like a Revival so to speak and
this young girl came to him and was in tear she was distraught uh emotionally
conflicted to the point of Chaos she was looking at Paul Washer and she
begged him to answer the question of how can I know that I'm saved I just I have
this sin in my life I can't get rid of it and I have tried and tried and tried I can't know I don't have any assurance
that I'm saved and Paul Washer gives her this answer go to your dorm and cry out to God all
night to save you don't stop even when it gets to the point where you feel like you're insane don't quit beg for God to
save you and do you know what that girl did she went to her dorm and she wept and she
pleaded and she begged God to save her all night long and she came back to the meeting the following day and she went
to Paul Washer in total sincerity and said I begged all night but I still
don't know if I'm saved this is what Paul washer's response to her was and we're going to find the video so that you can see
we're not just making this up he said two things are true of you you're either going to go back to that
dorm room and continue to cry out for God to save you or you can go to hell
that's the response that is like just
it's it's so chaotic in my mind how somebody can get to that conclusion I
think you must not know the scriptures you must not know what the Bible says about this issue
because that's his sincere response or he doesn't care or in some sick fashion this is fun
but I can't imagine a young person coming up to me with those kind of questions and not being
able to give them a clear answer from the Bible can you imagine looking at someone and just saying I guess you're going to go
to hell and we have the answer to eternal life it starts with stuff like what we're
going to study over this next several weeks a lot of people misunderstand the
warnings that are in the book of Hebrews and if you misunderstand These Warnings then you're going to look at God as
though he is threatening you with the removal of your eternal life but we don't see that but there are some places
in Hebrews where it speaks very very severely about Sin about falling away
from the truth and we need to see those things in proper context and that's why I want to start off with this tonight
using the book of Hebrews I want to show you how the warnings of severity of
chastening that we'll see in Hebrews do not eliminate what God has already promised in that we have eternal life
I'm going to read this to you here that I've prepared the believer is a wonder the the life of the believer is a
wonderful opportunity to live the kind of life that God has planned for his children Progressive sanctification is not a
scary term it's biblically accurate every day the believer has a choice to
make will he walk in the newness of life or will he walk in his old sinful nature
within that one choice are many others each choice the believer makes will bring them closer to the Lord in
fellowship or create distance between him and his savior God is Not unaware of this potential he
issues strong warnings to his children and gives them Direction when he expects them that he expects them to follow
Hebrews is a book with such warnings they are clear they are potent and sadly
they are so often weaponized by the proponents of Calvinism and lordship salvation
regardless of the severe consequences the believer reads in Hebrews there is never a threat on the believer's eternal
life in fact most of the illustrations used in Hebrews point the believer to the
life they live now because of Jesus finished work
the warnings are all about the progressive sanctification and should not be misunderstood as qualifiers for
maintaining eternal life this series aims to review all seven or
some would say there's five warnings in Hebrews with respect to the proper context however I believe it's important
to see how the book does not teach the believer's eternal life is in Jeopardy and so I've got three points that I want
to make and I want to make them simply and clearly because I think that's how they're written
to reflect on the tone of Hebrews it is a book of warnings to Jewish Believers now this does not mean that it only
applies to the Jews some some people will tell you that they'll tell you that about James they'll tell you that about
Hebrews because well it's not for the Gentiles so it's not for us does anybody know where the mistake is there
in the body of Christ there is no Jew and Gentile okay so with that there is no
expectation from God that the Gentiles get Romans 1 through 8 and then the rest of it after chapter 12 after chapter 11
and the Jews just get two or three books that's that's not the intent the entire
portion or the uh the entire scripture is profitable to the believer doesn't
matter what nationality they are does it matter what background they may find themselves in now or what spiritual
condition they find themselves in in Christ whether it be a healthy one or an unhealthy one the Bible is for you so when you read
the Bible you need to make sure that you understand the application you know there are things like we read this morning in Jeremiah 30. that's
specifically a prophecy about Israel but we can learn from everything in the Bible
and one of the greatest promises is that of eternal life and you know that John 5 24 is one of my favorite verses because
it very clearly says that the person that believes is passed from Death on the life and they'll never be brought into condemnation that's a promise for
you if you've believed that promise is true of you Jesus later said in John chapter 7 at
the great feast that whosoever believes he's going to have the spirit out of his belly shall flow rivers of Living Water and John under the end under the
inspiration of the holy spirit says he was speaking about the holy spirit that was yet to come and we see that that actually happened in Acts chapter 2. so
if you've put your faith in Jesus Christ you put your trust in him you've got the Holy Spirit that's not just a promise
for the people in Ephesus in which Paul wrote in Ephesians that's something for you and for me because we are now
partakers of this body of Christ but when Paul is uh well I say I say
Paul here because I think he's the the writer of Hebrews it's it's been in controversy for a long time but when the
writer of Hebrews is going through all these different warnings at no point does he bring up whether the believer's
faith is genuine and you have people like washer MacArthur Sproul Piper as
educated as they may be they always take the responsibility for eternal life and
put it back on the believer I've told you before about a video I watched with MacArthur talking to a
young woman whose name is joy and when I watch that video I I still get emotional
because I just you hear this woman's voice crack and she pleads how can I
know that I'm saved and Paul or MacArthur says do you love God and she says yes do you do you have a heart for
God what does that even mean I don't know but she says yes do you desire to do what God wants you to do yes and so
MacArthur kind of you know plods around and says well then you're saved and her immediate follow-up is but I've already
done those things I already know those things and I still don't know that I'm saved he never addresses the issue he
never leads her to the fact that our faith is finished in Christ the work of
our Salvation is already completed how does it get to that point it gets to that point because we allow the
teachings of men to supersede the teachings of the scripture I was talking to a student just this morning and I was
telling him about the dangers that can happen when we start to look at our
sermon like a skeleton right just for Imagine for a moment you have a you have a body and you're looking to put a bunch
of different things on the body and some people will say oh well the you know the skeleton of your study is the
Bible but then your commentary and your illustrations and your your your titles and all that that's all the meat you
have to be careful that you don't look at your contribution to the word of God as better than the word of God
I think one of the things that we get the most um from from Christians that are very
high-minded and prideful is that we don't move on to the deeper things of God well first of all a lot of people are
not here on Sunday nights and Wednesday nights when we do when I when I do probably some of the meatiest teachings
people are just here on Sunday mornings and they hear messages that are not designed to be difficult to understand
the message that I did on Romans 3 in James chapter 2 a couple of weeks ago that was a pretty heavy message and it
required a lot of explanation before you actually get into the meat of what's going on but there's nothing wrong with being
repetitive absolutely nothing because God is repetitive there is a problem with Mankind and that
he has a problem in obeying he knows what he needs to do but he doesn't do those things and so God has to
repeatedly tell what needs to be done and then holds that expectation for it
to be um followed through by the believer but one of the things I want to help you
understand is that as we're moving through these things we can't ever take
a a view that is contrary to what scripture has already established so when I was looking at this study and uh
I got a lot of this help from Dr Phil Myers uh who's a a teacher here in the college he had put together a study on
this and I saw it and I was like this is great we should do this on a Sunday night I think it would be beneficial because I think there needs to be more
teaching about chastening of the believer not because
it's like oh Doom and Gloom like hey I'm gonna crack the whip on Sunday nights that's not my intention I want you to
see what God is saying because if you can see what he's saying and the way that he's saying it it's
going to help you understand the responsibilities in your Christian Life and how still there's no threat of you
losing the validity of that Christian Life otherwise you're going to be like people that
they add all this fluff but deep down in their in their heart they're saying I
don't even know if God loves everybody I'm talking to I don't even know if I'm saved because I have all this other all these other
problems in my life listen I'm your pastor and I have sin in my life there are things that I still struggle with
but I am so thankful that as I've continually seen in the scriptures that
sin will never take me out of the family of God it's been paid now as I've grown up in the Lord that
sin that habitual sin that we can all be prone to if we're not
focusing on Improvement we won't improve but as I've seen more from God's word
the sin is less and I'm not talking about a sin in particular I'm just saying sin in general you learn to speak
less listen more and the opportunity for God's word to be obeyed is so much easier when you're not talking
and always trying to justify your position there's a verse in proverb that says the
wise man concealeth boy you want to take something with you
tonight keep your mouth closed most of the time the issues will resolve themselves you
will know when it's your time to speak and when it's your time to keep your mouth closed because a lot of times we
think we have an answer for everything we're going to trip all over ourselves I think one of the worst things that Bible
teachers can do is give an answer to a question and they don't know if that answer is true that's one of the worst things you can
do there is no humility in saying I don't know I don't know there's a lot of questions in Bible and that are sitting in a
folder and it's in the I don't know folder I got to do some research and see if I can find out but I don't want to
put a video together that could last forever with a really poor and possibly incorrect interpretation that wouldn't
be good all right let's look at our first support here that our Salvation is
completed especially in the book of Hebrews let's look in Hebrews chapter 2. in verses 9 through 11 this is on page
1293 in a church on Bible Hebrews 2 begins with a strong warning against negligence and we'll have more
on that next week after this warning the tone shifts to the sufficiency Believers should draw from during the sufferings
in this life the author does not call The Stumbling believer's salvation into question he
does not make him doubt if his trust in Jesus Christ is enough for eternal life instead every warning points to
struggling believer back to Jesus why Jesus has eternally secured the believer he cannot be concerned with hell because
he has been delivered from it in the resurrection of Christ he can however face chasing in this life with a loss of
rewards in the next those are real dangers that the struggling believer faces and salvation is not a part of
those issues let's look in Hebrews 2 9-11 but we see Jesus who was made a little
lower than the angels for the suffering of death
I think if we're if if we look back on our lives and we look after we've trusted Christ and we have suffered
I think we may have missed the very important teaching we're going to see here
that Jesus suffered in the same way there is nothing better than finding
like-mindedness with another person who's going through what you're going through I think one of the valuable things that
we have as adoptive parents is when my wife she reaches out to somebody who's
also experienced the same thing that we're going through and automatically there's this connection it's like man
they know what I'm going through because sometimes you can explain it to people that have no idea what you've
experienced and you start to feel a little isolated well I want you to see here that as this
passage will continue to show Christ suffered for us and so we can suffer knowing that he has suffered too
he's not asking us to do something that he has not already done himself
and he walks with us through these things for the suffering of death verse 9 crowned with Glory and Honor I want you
to see this here as the completion salvation's done
this is something that has already come to pass with the resurrection of Jesus Christ
but I want you to see this as well that he by the grace of God should taste
death for every man what does it mean by the grace of God meaning that this is how God has demonstrated unmerited favor
to us he has offered his son in our place and the next thing I want you to
see here is should taste death for every man we did this study when we were in Hebrews and so we're not going
to go through it in the most detail tonight but that word taste is very important okay this brings on the
connotation of this is something that we partake in this is not something that Jesus kind of dabbled in the realm of
death but didn't really die you know or or kind of just set the example and
expects us to follow it no he actually died for every man
there are two words I want you to focus on here the first one is that
the death of Christ is sufficient for all people you realize how good that is
you study major world religions today and there's a barrier to entry even to know the truth
you want to know the truth you got to get this book you got to do this you got to do that but with Christianity
with God the real God he says I did it for you before you even believe God has taken
care of that which was in the way there's a payment waiting for your sin
and all you have to do is believe but while the grace of God through the death of Jesus Christ is sufficient to
save anybody it's only efficient to those who believe and this is where the calvinist stumbles
the calvinist goes no one of these has to be true either it's efficient only to those that would believe and so Jesus
only died for the elect and not for the non-elect or then it's by works because they say
if you choose to believe it's by works does anyone have a verse to combat that mark it down Romans 4 5 absolutely
destroys any kind of evidence that says believing is a work but to him the work is not but believeth on him to
justify at the ungodly his faith is counted for what righteousness because it's it's found in Christ
that'll slap the jaw of any calvinist shut well if he's honest but we see here that he takes to death
for every man in that sufficient to save anybody only efficient to those who believe but
look in verse 11 of verse 10 for it became him for whom are all things
and by whom are all things in bringing many sons unto Glory
to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings how is how
has Christ brought into full maturity not that he had an area of weakness that he had to work on
but how did the whole story map out through his sufferings he suffered in his public Ministry he
suffered at Calvary in his two trials and then of course on the cross
and that brings many sons into Glory this is not Glory of eternal life this
is the glory of one day we're not going to be surrounded with our sin nature anymore how do we know that
because Christ died and he rose again that's what the author is building off of here
he just made a really serious warning in verses one through four which we'll study next week but it doesn't take away
what's already clearly said here for both he that sanctifieth and they
who are Sanctified are all of one for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren
God is not ashamed to call you a part of his body
that should be enough that should be strong enough to keep us away from sin
that we are party here in the body of Christ how are we representing
if we take second Corinthians 5 literally as we should and Paul says that we are ambassadors
how are we representing our faith I can't tell you how many times I either
read comments or hear from people that they don't go to church because of an experience they have with church people
sometimes I think denominational church can be very damaging if it's not done
right like I said that barrier to entry exists but the church is full of hypocrites but
let's not be a shining example of that okay let's not be the first one to sign up as
an illustration of a hypocrite let's walk soberly righteously in this
present life as Titus instructs us Jesus has tasted death for every man for
the unbeliever Salvation Within Reach by the simple faith in Jesus work for the payment of his sin
for the believer Jesus death has covered his sin and he has escaped the reality of the second death remember that word
death being separation we're not guaranteed that we will be delivered physically from any kind of
physical persecution save the rapture but we are guaranteed we will not
experience the second death because that is the separation of the soul from God in hell
Jesus is not a stranger to our sufferings Believers can enjoy a close fellowship with him as we suffer in this
life and if you remember the context these are Jewish Believers that have left their childhood faith
their childhood organization and they're now being brought up on
trials and being convicted and being killed that's enough to make you walk away from
this but the encouragement of Hebrews is don't quit don't quit don't miss out on that rest
here in this life look in Hebrews chapter 12 verses 1 and 2. this section I've got titled the
author and finisher I want to point out some things here that I I don't think are a stretch I
just think they're good observations let's let's uh read these two verses here wherefore the sum page 1303 seeing
we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which
doth so easily beset us and let us I want you to pay attention to this here run with patience the race that is set
before us looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy
that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the Throne of
God there are two things about this passage that jump out one is the fact that the believer is told to run his
race with patience now I know I don't look like the model athlete and if you were to take a guess tonight you would
have guessed correctly I am not the model athlete but there is a difference with the athlete who is running in a
Sprint and the one that is running in a marathon what is the difference the pace
those who are running in a Sprint know that they're going to be running for a very short period of time they intend to
finish but there could be something catastrophic that happens with their Pace that allows them or uh that takes
away that ability to finish with a marathon there is always the intent to finish
but the question that is difficult to answer is how well will I finish will I
break a personal record will I come in at my worst time will I do very well but
not break the record or will I do kind of middle of the road all that is
determined on their pacing patience is the tool of the marathon
runner and so when I see it says here run your race with patience I see this
as an illustration to the entirety of your Christian Life from the moment that you trusted and put
your faith in Jesus Christ to your death you're on a pace now
and the idea is not to start off super hot in the beginning and not be able to
keep a pace to finish there's a there's a good Pace to keep and that's between you and God because
he's going to gift you with certain talents and abilities as you obey to the filling of the Holy Spirit
patience is a tool of the marathon runner he knows he will finish but the way he finishes is determined by his
Pace he must focus on his stamina his breathing his rhythm and his gait if he
runs too fast he runs the risk of burning out toward the end if he Paces too slow he may not be able to place in
the position he wanted at the at the onset of his Marathon he must watch the conditions around him and be ready to
adapt his Pace accordingly the believer has no threat to lose eternal life here
as a matter of fact they are encouraged to finish well if there was a risk for them to lose
eternal life verse 2 would not exist and that's the second thing that jumps out
I'm going to read to Ephesians 2 10. you don't have to turn there but I'll read this to you for we are his workmanship
created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God hath before ordained that we
should walk in them when I see at verse 1 here where it says let us lay aside
every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us
I see a connection with Ephesians 2 10 and let me explain to you why when when Ephesians 2 set 2 10 says which God hath
before ordained that we should walk in them I see that God has prepared a path
for us of good works not specific works but to maintain good works and he is
going to use that to Showcase us as his workmanship as his Masterpiece and so
this race that is set before us is literal in that sense God has said it before us he's asking us to run this
race and it's going to be hard that's exactly why it says in the
beginning of the verse let us lay aside every weight okay I don't know what
marathon runner is trying to run with any weight outside of their body weight
their clothes are the lightest that they can be their shoes are the lightest that they can be Runners are some of them the good ones
like the ones that compete on a high level they're like skin and bones and that is more conducive to them being
able to get the job done and finish their race well the believer is supposed to be in the
same way not hindered down by the weight of sin but God has already set this race
before us that doesn't mean that God has already controlled what you're going to do but I do think he has opportunities
just for you I believe that because I've seen that in my life
there are places that God has put me that I don't think anybody else would be in that I know of at least but he's
asked me to be found faithful in that moment that's prepared for me whether I'm going to do that or not is based on
me and God will reward me when I obey and when I disobey I'll have lost that opportunity and I'll lose that reward
that I could have had but verse 2 would not exist if the threat of eternal life was present
what's the encouragement in verse two look at it looking unto Jesus
the author and finisher of our faith
who for the joy that was set before him he endured the cross so you endure
this life he endured the cross despising the shame and then sat down at the right hand of
the Throne of God think about the Jewish the Christian who is uh a new convert
here from Judaism they're going to be under shame they're going to be despised because
they've gone with the blasphemer in the eyes of the Jewish culture what's the encouragement for them
endure it run well lay aside any sin that will keep you from finishing well
if eternal life could be lost wouldn't you think this is a place you could see it where it would be said unless you miss
it entirely unless you're really not saved it's kind of funny I laughed to even
think that way because the Bible doesn't use that language ever we have to be careful of that and then
here's the last one here and it's in chapter 10. Hebrews chapter 10 verses 10 12 and 14. perhaps the strongest support
for the eternal security of the believer found in the book of Hebrews is in the content of chapters 6 through 10. what
is in the content of chapter 6 through 10 how Jesus is a better high priest
what was the function of the high priest once a year would go in and offer sins
for the temple sin sacrifices for the sins of the temple his own sin and for
the sin of the people Jesus was that offering who totally covered sin and that's why
the veil of the holy of holy separating those two places in the temple was torn
when Jesus died now there's nothing in the way foreign
this whole chapter because there's three warnings within those uh four chapters
we'll be reviewed in Greater detail throughout the series but the focus for today should rest on Hebrews 10 10 12
and 14. I'll read them to you here by the which will we are Sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ
once for all verse 12 but this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever
sat down on the right hand of God for by one offering verse 14 he hath perfected forever them that are
Sanctified you know that many translations add one more thing they add one more word there they say them that
are being sanctified they make this based on your works
that's dangerous Jesus Christ's offering at the cross was sufficient for all believers sin yes
that includes the sin of unfaithfulness in this Christian Life to be perfected forever means exactly
what it says there isn't much more to say here about that these are some of my favorite verses in all of scripture
because they speak so plainly when you look at verse 10 we are
Sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all I do not have to go back to some type of
confession Style to reapply myself into the body of
Christ if Jesus died once then I'm set apart once and that's that is a done
deal the Insanity would be if you woke up tomorrow and for the rest of this week
for the rest of your life seeking out to find out if you are really born physically
you're already here you're born however old you are that issue was resolved that
long ago it would be crazy to try and determine if you were really born again physically people would think you
you are not looking at the evidence around you well the evidence around us for the believer is are are the promises
that are hearing God's word you're already delivered you're already Justified before God
but there's a real threat for you to lose out on rewards and there's a chastening as a result of that and
there's some very strong language in Hebrews that needs to be reviewed because I guarantee you as you walk
through this Christian life and you continue to grow people are going to take verses from Hebrews and they are going to misuse them and put them in
front of you as a stumbling block and if you're not prepared you'll trip and fall
or you may even have your faith Shipwrecked by these false teachers
as your as your pastor I don't want that for you I remember what that's like I don't do
chat rooms anymore well not chat rooms comment sections I'll put it that way I signed up for a website one time called
Karm Christian apologetic Research Ministry or something like that it's a hotbed for Calvinists I remember
typing out the gospel going through making sure my spelling is Right formatting good posted it in a forum and
I got so many answers back of all sorts of crazy stuff that I literally deleted my account
I was reminded of what Paul said to Timothy don't waste your time with endless debates
there's people who just want to argue with you but there will be people in honesty who come up to you and ask a
serious question about some things in Hebrews and I think you should know the answer in context not just well hang on my
pastor said this so that's what I believe I want to show you as I try to do with every message that I give to you
this is what the Bible says and I'll be honest with you when there's things that I don't know I've said that
before not entirely sure what this means but here's my interpretation of it if I come along something better I'll change
it I've done that already with some passages in scripture but when it comes to eternal life I have not I've
yet to see any evidence in the scripture that supports a born-again Believer being able to lose their eternal life
even the warnings in Hebrews there's nothing
you can close your Bibles as I review the conclusion here the aim of this series is to show the
warnings in Hebrews with respect to their context God is not ever going to threaten the believer with the removal
of eternal life Calvinists and teachers of lordship Salvation use These Warnings as a battering ram on the believer
God did not intend to beat us down but to lift us up Believers must rest
assured that the finished work of Christ will always be finished
at the same time it is still true that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God
both of those things can be true you can have eternal life without any threat of losing it and still find
yourself in a tight spot because of your sin the judgment on your sin was satisfied
at Calvary and it'll never be removed but God still
as a loving father will properly discipline you if he didn't
it would be a sin for him to allow that behavior to go undisciplined
you ever been around people that have undisciplined kids you probably haven't been around them for long
they're nightmares and you know I think to myself what a shame it is for those children
they don't know better kids need correction they're not going to tell you you know they're not going to come up to
you and be like hey I need a spanking today I'm ready I guess but you as Mom Dad you're supposed to
set that standard and when the standard is broken there should be consequences why because that's how God is going to deal
with them and if you set up some type of standard that's not reflected in the Bible you're
setting them up for failure that's why when we look at things in Hebrew in in Hebrews this is God telling
his children this is the standard you fall short there's going to be discipline
you'd be a bad pastor to say no issues just live live life as you want you got
a license to sin everything's good I don't want to be in that church
because that's not what the Bible teaches but we can rest assured in knowing that eternal life is never on The
Chopping Block we're not trying to see if we're really in would you pray for that girl that Paul
Washer talked to you I have no idea what she's gone on to do I don't know how long that video was but boy when I heard
that testimony from Cole I thought what a what what a life can you imagine going to your respected
Bible teacher your pastor and he gives you those two options cry out until you feel something I guess feel anything I
guess you're going to hell this might die I don't know what kind of life that is
what did that poor girl feel as she drove home you know what she probably felt God
doesn't love me and that's not true that's a burden that's something for me
personally I don't want that to be the reality for people but it is
and God wants them to be saved and I believe she'll have the opportunity if she continues to seek
she will find God loves her but sometimes I wish I sometimes I've
thought about you know going to these conferences and just kind of be in a plant you know
buying the t-shirts looking like I'm a part of it and then talking to people that ask a question and get a real bad answer
hey let me talk to you for a second let's let's look at the Bible and see what that says
but the attractiveness of these false teachers really keeps people bound it's a sad thing we should be praying about
that often especially those of us that are learning more and more about the Bible
this hand represents you and me my wallet represents sin I put this on top of my hand because the Bible says for
all is sin they come short of the glory of God God loves us very much he hates our sin because it separates us from him
to get to heaven you have to be absolutely perfect without any sin and we all fall short
and the very serious fact is that without a payment for this sin the individual who dies without that
payment will spend an attorney separated from God in a literal fire burning hell that's a that's a reality for people
today like we talked about this morning God loves us and he's offered a way for this sin to be paid but it's not by any
good works that we can do it's not by turning or starting or anything like that somebody's got to die
for this sin shed their blood for this sin this hand will represent Jesus Christ
God's only begotten son and in John 3 16 we see the very clear plan for salvation
for God so loved the world so love does not mean oh I love you let me love you for God's so loved meaning for God loved
in this way that he sent his only uh only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish but of everlasting life the promise there is not shall not perish physically because it's appointed
unto man wants to die unless you're in the Rapture which I'm excited about that's an exciting number
to be in and I think we're real close I'd probably say what Dr Lindstrom said and that it'll happen in my lifetime but
he's in glory now we don't know when it's going to happen but the point is the promise in John 3
16 is not you'll be spared from physical suffering it's that you will not experience the
second death you believe on Jesus Christ you receive as a free gift everlasting life and once
you do that you're saved forever you're a part of God's family all your sin is removed as far as the East is from the
West that's the invitation of eternal life if you're hearing anything that I'm saying I know most I know all of you here
tonight those of you who I don't know who are on the internet I would beg you to put your trust in
Jesus Christ right now don't wait because we don't have any guarantee of what's next no guarantee
we just have right now let's go to the Lord in prayer shall we
if you're watching on the internet I encourage you to put your faith in Jesus Christ to trust in him alone
if you're here in the audience I wanna encourage you to be here this summer this series will take us right up
through the summer and I think it'll be a blessing to you father thank you for your word I pray
that we come back here safely on Wednesday night bless the programs that meet before then like ESL and all the
things that go into all the Ministries here we specifically think about camp back to school Bash that's coming up
soon as well in Jesus name we pray these things amen
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