The Shape & Energy of The Earth PLANETARY INVESTIGATIONS

1 year ago

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As part of The Heavenly Tea series of speaking about unusual things....this is my recent investigation on the structure, shape and energy of our Planet.

Do go and 'investigate' my website for my books, courses and one on one sessions

Beginning: How to go about looking at the structure of the Earth:
what is the true structure?
1 minute detailing the debates: Radu Cinamar, Shambhala, the United Nations Map
3minutes viewing with Oksana Buchanan: the lotus blossom seed pod, toroid structure
5minutes representation of stars, or the real ones,
6 minutes genetic heritage enlil, enkil, Forgotten Genesis, Radu Cinamar
8 minutes portals to Shambhala, enlil beings leaving our dimension
12 minutes seeing through fear or seeing clearly False evidence appearing real, techniques and considerations
14 minutes elements of my greater self- my eyes to view beyond our physical plane
regarding remote viewing, levels of reality,
16 minutes Planet Zog- higher dimensional earth, with leading edge spiritual technologies ( “Transmissions from the Planet Zog” radio show,, Milo & Teal books 1,2 & 3)
20 minutes shape of the earth, egg, crater earth ( @godgevlamste ) how to view it
21.43 minutes the cosmic egg, the toroid,
23 minutes the flat plane at the centre, the United Nations Map
24 minutes ice wall or what is the barrier- being-made or God-made?
25 minutes the dome? a snow-globe over us?
26 minutes the whole Galileo thing…plane in the middle of a toroidal field, is there more to Earth?
27 minutes crater earth ( @godgevlamste )essences and bubbles of truth, but also not accurate….
27.30 minutes the earth is an auric-energetic field ever expanding, almost infinite
28.30 Andrew Bartzis, the @Galactichistorian
29 minutes Earth as different frequency rings
30 minutes Earth as a baby in cosmic amniotic fluid? We are at the centre of this realm…
31.30 minutes harmonics of the Earth energy levels , entrainment/consciousness fields of our planet and others….
33.22 minutes why choose the laurel wreath as symbol of containment
33.33 minutes arc-tangental bands surrounding the planet- magnetic containment zone ( think Gyroscope, Pomodoro’s Work ‘Sphere within a Sphere’
34 minutes exploring the egg…
35.24 minutes looking above our realm- the top half of the egg, higher octaves ( Zog- look at the Milo & Teal Books….) our FUTURE
36 minutes top half of the egg shimmery transparency, pastel, over-exposed image…higher frequency
38 minutes structure of the higher dimension and how this feeds into the system of US, now
39.30 minutes my body reacting to the truth of the information
40 minutes the lower half of the egg= the PAST, is below us….
41 minutes what is in the outer realms, on our PLANE, beyond our realm-frequency, further expanded version of the Earth
42minute explaining the nature of an energy field and the way it entrains with the environment, the centre the ‘storm’
43 minutes body position indicating the electrical current of the planetary structure
44 minutes zoomed out to the edge of our Earth-consciousness Sphere- where it brushes against other Planets
45 minutes Earth outer auric field: pink and gold (higher octave level)
45.30 minutes zooming in from the outside to the inside where we are…like a great record, with rings
48 minute Earth is moving, processing “composting’ the past to become through the present, the future expression. Moving inwards… is like knowing several things at the same time- like playing the organ!
49 minutes hovering over the edge zone between US and what lies beyond…
50minutes CYMATICS example and frequency shift-zones
51.40 minutes natural key-codes of frequency pitch division
53 minutes FREQUENCY-FORM breaks/re-structuring
54 minutes GALACTIC centre influence
55 minutes seeing what is beyond what we know…becoming aware of the neighbouring realms ( Oksana Buchanan, expanded Earth @oksanabuchananiregressiveh8097 )
56 minutes illustrations…
57 minutes we may BE the cells of Earth’s body, being entrained by Earth as a highly influential being
58 minutes all of us can investigate - we have the gift of IMAGINATION, a soul-vehicle to travel beyond
58.30 minutes if you find you are limited in your vision because of SOUL-CAPTURE, you can get it cleared by people like Oksana…
59 minutes experiment with the knowledge and awareness of your IMAGINATION- every perspective adds up to the full awareness field..
1.00 the We as a reflection of the Earth-birthing….

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