Noah's Ark And The Second Coming of Christ Rev John White Holy Ghost Anointed Camp Meeting Preaching

1 year ago

Rev John White preached this scriptural truth during Mid West Camp Meeting 1995.

The Conservative Holiness movement is known for its emphasis on the possibility, necessity, and instantaneous nature of Entire Sanctification, also known as, the second work of grace.

This doctrine is reiterated in the founding documents of the Holiness Movement, the 1885 Declaration of Principles of Wesleyan Theological Journal which explained:

"Entire Sanctification... is that great work wrought subsequent to regeneration, by the Holy Ghost, upon the sole condition of faith...such faith being preceded by an act of solemn and complete consecration. This work has these distinct elements:"

The entire extinction of the carnal mind, the total eradication of the birth principle of sin;
the communication of perfect love to the soul...
the abiding indwelling of the Holy Ghost."

The Allegheny Conference is part of the broader conservative holiness movement.

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