My FAVORITE AWKWARD Stretch For The Low Back

1 year ago

To perform this stretch, you will need a few things like an ankle strap, a band, a small step, and something to hold onto for balance.

1. Attach the ankle strap to your ankle and the other side to the band while the band is attached to a low anchor.
2. Get some tension on the band as you hop away and onto the small step.
3. Let the band pull your leg to create some distraction as you lean over to the other side, which will help stretch out the lower back.
4. If you do this, you will also feel a nice stretch in your hips, which most of us really need.

Now let me point out a few things here that can help you out.

1. The reason why I have a stool here is that it's going to help me create a pull down towards the ground instead of just pulling straight out. If you didn't use the stool, then there's no tension getting pulled down, which means it becomes more of a hip stretch and less of a lower back stretch.
2. You can also rotate your upper body as it's getting stretched out to make it even more effective. You can open up, which will help stretch out the lateral side of the body, or you can rotate inwards towards the floor to help stretch out the lower back a little more.
3. And if you want to make this even more effective, add a massage gun to the stretch to help loosen the tissues even more.

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Even though I am a professional this is still not medical advice. The content is intended to be educational only. If you are a patient, seek care from a health care professional.

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