NFSC are leading the charge against the CCP, the number one evil influence of the U.S

1 year ago

06/04/2023【NFSC 3rd Anniversary 】 Mike Crispi (GETTR:@mikecrispi), Host of Mike Crispi Unafraid: The biggest problem that we have in America is that people have been so asleep at the wheel, and they don't even realize the danger. They take everything for granted. It's the NFSC leading that charge against the CCP, the number one evil influence that is overtaking our constitutional republic. And that's why we're proud to stand with you. And that's why we know that this is the fight of our time. #NFSC #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
06/04/2023【新中国联邦三周年】Mike Crispi Unafraid的主播迈克·克里斯皮 (GETTR:@mikecrispi) :美国最大的问题是人们沉睡不醒,他们甚至没有意识到危险,并将一切都视为理所当然。是新中国联邦在带头反抗中共这个正在蚕食美国宪政的头号邪恶势力,因此,我们自豪地站在新中国联邦一边,我们也认识到,我们必须为此而战。 #新中国联邦 #消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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