The Migration Crisis | Yaron Brook Show

1 year ago

00:00 Intro
01:11 Housekeeping
02:05 Drama on Twitter
06:08 Tennessee Drag Show Drama
07:08 Do the folks on Twitter believe that you have the influence to swing the election?
08:13 The Migration Crisis
10:45 Notice Yaron has never tried to put up an argument against those who objectively voted for Trump.
12:33 Increased Immigration
19:33 The UK has a lot of immigrants coming in on paths that never lead to citizenship. They have created systems to bring people in on long-term visas.
20:52 Economic/Demographic Reason
35:33 Altruistic Reason
38:43 Impact on the West
44:00 Scary Consequence

Live Questions:
51:39 Assimilation is being stifled by the illusion of control most government officials have. When I came to the US I got a green card and a social security number. Providing housing transportation, etc is creating ghettos
54:25 Why did you pick the USA over the UK to immigrate to for college? Based on everything you know now, do you still pick USA over UK? Were there any other countries that you considered studying in?
57:05 You say if you lie in one aspect of your life it corrupts your entire psychology, but I've known many people who are 100% honest in business while having affairs on a spouse or being dishonest in other ways in there personal life. I don't see it transferring over.
59:14 I was watching some of Margarette Thatchers old speeches. She was a real firebrand. Surprising such a collectivist society as the UK would have voted for her?. Even Reagan wasn’t as forceful in his defense of privatization and free enterprise.
1:04:32 Went to a Mexican restaurant with my friends like a week ago, food was amazing. can't believe Trump wants to wall them off
1:06:38 I’m not pro-Tom Cotton but he seemed sensible voicing alarm over defense budget cuts. Yes there’s waste to cut but that’s outpaced by the military’s needs. It seems wrong to spend less inflation-adjusted annually. Thoughts?
1:08:49 Thank you very much for this show, and sharing your views on the subject. The best arguments against immigration is probably how insecure we are about our own culture - so we fail to uphold our values when they get challenged
1:10:41 Do you get to keep more $ by a supchat or via PayPal for the Texas video? How is Dallas? Do you like it better than Austin or Houston?
1:12:11 I always appreciate an An Rand reference in pop culture. Episode 6 of Mrs. Davis features a copy of Atlas Shrugged on a bookshelf that also acts as a lever to a secret entrance.
1:12:33 Where do you see political discourse in 100 years? Will altruism and collectivism still be big plavers?
1:13:20 Here in Southern LA county, we have chefs from every place in the world. Peruvian is way better than any of the many regions of Mexico. What is your favorite? Your Pacific Rim favorite?
1:15:36 Are intellectuals uncomfortable with self-interest because they don't trust their own minds or they don't trust the minds of the majority of the population?
1:16:21 You mentioned on yesterdays show that Republicans and blue collar voters don't matter because they're “not intelligent”. Sounds a little elitist and dismissive.
1:20:01 Thank you for all you do!
1:20:33 When people move states, is this as a form of migration? People move states from North to South and East to West. It changes a states culture.
1:21:53 Doesn't Christianity provide something equivalent to the categorical imperatives before Kant?
1:22:59 My view is : you have a work contract (with criminal background checks properly done), welcome to our country!
1:23:33 Going back to yesterday’s show, would the pragmatic argument against laissez faire fall away if people believed statism was immoral?
1:24:26 Being in Texas do you see people mixing and intertwining? The state has a lot of diverse groups, however do you see people blending/working together?
1:25:43 The Left’s altruism makes them unable to effectively defend immigration. They don’t argue from the standpoint of why immigrants are good for America.
1:25:54 Upcoming Shows Schedule

1:32:06 Outro

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