Miles Guo made history by bifurcating the Chinese people from the CCP, and the CCP hates him!

1 year ago

6/4/2023 【NFSC 3rd Anniversary】Steve K. Bannon: Miles Guo changed the direction of the world and identified the CCP as a transnational criminal organization. He made history by bifurcating the Chinese people from the CCP, and the CCP hates him!
#NFSC #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
6/4/2023 【新中国联邦三周年】班农先生:郭文贵改变了世界的方向,指出了中共是跨国犯罪组织;他将中国人民与中共分开是历史性的,中共对他恨之入骨!
#新中国联邦 #消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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