Article Video - The Right Side of History - Saturday, June 3, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - The Right Side of History - Saturday, June 3, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

The family of George Watts, Jr., is suing the DOD, which, by the way, is not covered by any promises from the Territorial Congress to hold them harmless -- that is, the umbrella that the pharmaceutical corporations are trying to hide behind.

Mike Adams takes Trump on for Operation Warp Speed beginning at about minute 24:00. And he's right. Trump is damaged goods. Not that De Santis isn't. Not that there are any good options on either side, with the possible exception of RFK, Jr., who will be murdered if he wins.

Unless we, the rest of us, all get together and shine.

Stop waiting and hoping. You are the only answer. You are the only answer there has ever been.

We don't expect the outcome to be different for the DOD or Big Pharma, either one. They'll be bankrupt and so will all the other organizations that have benefited themselves financially from medical murder.

Their officers will be charged with willful murderous profiteering.

Their co-conspirators, too.

The statistics now tell us that 600 million people worldwide have died or been disabled. This dwarfs the death toll in every major war since the American Civil War added together, and the news media, the politicians, the medical community --- they are all trying to turn a deaf ear.

When not turning a deaf ear, they are squawking like wet cats, plaintively alleging that they should have "amnesty" for their part in this catastrophic crime.

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