Charlie Kirk subdues #blacklivesmatter & #whitesupremacy

1 year ago

Recently, Charlie Kirk chronicled the devastation caused by the fatherless children in the #blacklivesmatter movement & asked who many more black folks were murdered because the BLM movement got their fatherless supporters ginned-up, causing them to have fits & wreck their communities.

I believe I can come close to answering that question: In a typical year, more blacks are murdered than all other races combined & they are usually murdered by other black folks.

Why is that? Why aren’t Asians murdering Asians in droves indiscriminately? Maybe because they grew up w/ a daddy in the home & did not brainwash their kids from birth inside the home & at a failing government school that the world is against them & they’ll fail?

According to the FBI, the U.S. murder/non-negligent manslaughter rate 2016-2019 = 5.2 per 100,000.

The murder/non-negligent manslaughter rate 2020-21 = 6.8 per 100,000 – a staggering increase.

Keep in mind, the FBI usually adjusts the previous year total when the current report comes out.

Now, let us look at the NIBRS data & find out what % of murder victims & offenders (where we KNOW the race of the victim or perp) were Black 2016-19. That was 23,688 offenders & (13,385) 56.5% of them were Black. That is very disproportionate!

If a Progressive lunch meat slicer takes issue w/ that, I will point out that 23,688 is a pretty good sample size of all murder offenders. Deal w/ it and/or get an education at a parochial school, so you can learn something aside from autistically-reciting your pronouns.

From 2016-19 of the 21,695 victims where we KNOW the race of the victim, (11,193) 51.59% of the victims were Black. That is also very disproportionate!

From 2020-21, the NIBRS data gives us 23,034 murder offenders where we KNOW the race of the offender. Of those 23,034 offenders, (13,707) 59.5% of them were Black. That is also very disproportionate!!

From 2020-2021, the NIBRS data gives us 24,584 victims of murder & of those 24,584 victims, (14,382) 58.5% were Black.

The murder rate (per 100,000) was much, much higher in the latter (2020-2021) time frame than the former (2016-2019) & the % of murder victims that were Black & offenders that were Black increased substantially as well.

It appears that despite the whining of carnival barkers like the divorcee Stan Seder, #blacklivesmatter accomplished what they wanted to accomplish. They created more chaos, they pined for fragmented families because they hate nuclear families & they used millions of idiots as pawns in their game.

I realize more jurisdictions are going to NIBRS data, so this may not correlate exactly, but from 2016-2019, there were 2,798.25 black people murdered each year. From 2020-2021 it was 7,191 black people murdered each year.

It is NOT a stretch to say that #AOC the mentally ill divorcee Sam Seder, Maxine Waters & the rest of the BLM crew caused 8 thousand more black people to be murdered because they wanted race riots over the George Floyd events. Think about that, 8 thousand black people are dead because of the BLM riots, most likely.

They cared not that this caused a lot of innocent black folks to get murdered in the wake of these events, they were trying to intimidate all of America, give us what we want, or we riot.

Well, if you riot in Iowa & block the street you will get arrested. If you riot in Iowa & attempt to burn businesses down, you will end up in prison or if you’re really unlucky, you might run into a concealed carrier defending his business.

You see, folks like #AOC the divorcee Sam Seder, Maxine Waters, Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper, Patrisse Cullors, the obese Joy Reid, the bi-polar Ana Kasparian, Mr. Milequetoast Chris Hayes & the rest of them do not care, they were hoping their Marxist vision for America would be realized in the wake of the riots, but all they did was cause millions of people to leave NY, NJ, MA, IL &, CA for states that don’t allow violent felons to run loose & flaunt the rule of law.

That will not happen in Iowa, you try that here & you will get a reckoning. That might fly in California, that might work in New York City, Portland or Chicago. But try it here & it will be the final time. Guaranteed!

Those folks will be sitting on their asses doing nothing, but they do realize in chess, the pawns go first. They’ll remain on the outside looking in, until the shelves are empty & then I will have a good laugh. Maybe then America will get the reset it needs.

The Democrats realize rural America is a threat to their vision, we own our homes, we are stockpiling non-perishable items among other things (cough, cough) & we do not allow fatherless children to burn half the town down, like what has happened in Portland & the Twin Cities.

Think about that folks, 8 thousand more black people murdered over the death of a career drug addict & criminal, all because they want me & you to finance the health care of drug addicts & let career felons escape the prison terms they deserve. Jordan Neely is perfect example of that. He was a bully who bullied children & the elderly, until he picked on the wrong Marine.

The biggest threat to black folks in America is not #whitesupremacy & it’s not someone waving the Confederate Flag or the police. It is other blacks & particularly, young black men. #blacklivesmatter hates the nuclear family, they want more dysfunctional fatherless children because they’re more malleable & will vote Democrat.

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