Young Justice Season 2, Episodes 19-20, Season 3, Episodes 1-14, Recap, WARNING SPOILERS!

1 year ago

The Light calls a summit with the Reach to discuss how their plans are advancing. As the tensions between the two groups begin to come to the fore, Ra's al Ghul notices the glamor charm on Tigress's neck and exposes her as Artemis, leading Deathstroke to execute both her and Kaldur. However, a hologram of Aqualad then plays which reveals to the Reach the extent of the Light's manipulations, leaving their alliance in pieces. Aqualad and Artemis then return to the team to celebrate. Superboy and Miss Martian arrive just in time to prove the Justice League's innocence before the council of Rimbor. Following Black Beetle's defeat, twenty Reach devices begin to damage the planet's magnetic field, causing various types of natural disasters. The superheroes destroy them with the help of Luthor, but the surprise of a twenty-first machine in the Arctic leads to the sacrifice of Kid Flash. Bart Allen/Impulse takes on Wally's role as Kid Flash and Artemis becomes Tigress full time. Meanwhile, Vandal Savage takes the War World to Apokolips where he meets Darkseid.

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