Memorial Moon 5 Part Series Parts 3 & 4

1 year ago

Memorial Moon 5 Part Series
Parts 3 & 4 are combined to make one long video. This area is below the Apennine Mts on the terminator line
This is a series of 5 videos Magnifying areas on a single
frame from 4K footage shot with my Full Spectrum Converted Nikon P1000
Camera. This is raw footage with no filters or editing.

Each video will be of a different area from the North to the South
on the Terminator line. I will try to cover everything I see with
the magnifier.
All videos are in 4K
for $5 donation, all supporters have 3 months access to all of my lunar photographs. You can download in high res to your device and find a magnifier app and look around these photos like I do, for yourself! You also have my permission to use them any way you wish.
click here to make a donation:
once you make the donation, click on the Gallery tab and all my albums will be available for you. There are a lot of photos on there already but check back often because I add more at least once a week.
Thank you so much!
God Bless!

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