Paul Cudenec (Winter Oak) Speaking at the Real Left Conference - Angel Church Islington 25.03.2023

1 year ago

Paul Cudenec (1963-) is a contemporary anarchist writer who very much fits into the organic radical tradition.

In 2020 he became known for his outspoken criticism of the totalitarianism being rolled out worldwide on the back of the Covid crisis.

He declared on his blog as early as March 25: “It should now be obvious to anyone with even half a brain that we are not in fact facing a deadly global epidemic that threatens to wipe out millions upon millions of our fellow human beings”.

Cudenec went on, in further articles, to condemn other anarchists for “getting angry with me for believing in freedom” (2) and to warn that “there are today some fundamental problems at the very heart of the anarchist movement”.

In a July article, he complained of “the contamination of left-wing thinking by liberal ideas”, adding: “Liberalism is, of course, the philosophy of capitalism. Economic liberalism was, as we have seen, a central pillar of historic fascism”.

He also penned two widely-circulated articles denouncing the “Fourth Industrial Repression” and analysing, in great detail, “Klaus Schwab and his great fascist reset”.

At the end of the year he argued that the events of 2020 had demonstrated the need for “a different civilizational direction”.

He wrote: “We need to rediscover what it means to be truly human, to cherish value over price, communal belonging over personal self-interest, honour above wealth”.

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