Google's MusicLM: The AI That' WILL give YOU Chills

1 year ago

Google's MusicLM: The AI That' WILL give YOU Chills

Close your eyes for a moment and picture a world where you are a well-known and talented singer. You’ve topped charts, sold out stadiums, and broken record album sales. It’s finally time to retire and lay your voice to rest, except your record label doesn’t want that. After all, they purchased the rights to your voice. Now, with the help of artificial intelligence, they can reproduce your voice and lyrical style to keep making money off of your music even after your death. While this dystopian future is just a possibility for now, advancements in AI technology are bringing this reality closer and closer. With the release of programs like Google's MusicLM and OpenAI’s Jukebox, people are starting to realize that AI won’t just change the manufacturing and service industries, but the entire entertainment industry too. Sure, it’s just a text-to-music generator for now, but what happens when it's capable of composing a better musical piece than Beethoven himself?

Listen to AI Music created by GoogleLM

OpenAI's Jukebox

In today's video we look at Google's MusicLM: The AI That' WILL give YOU Chills...Keep watching to see GoogleLM text to music ai music generator.

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