Unique Abilities of Lucifer's Race /Corrupted Flesh

1 year ago

The devil wants to appear to be better than God in his corrupted version of God's design. We end up with a Zombie Apocalypse as a result of God's wrath and vengeance.
Truth will become so painful for people to hear they will want to kill, steal and destroy so not to hear it. This is why when the 2 witnesses (Revelation 9) are sent they are sent with the powers of self-defense and wrath of God as most everyone will be corrupted flesh.
Remember No children were in Noah's Ark. Their parents were corrupted flesh, and they caused their children to be corrupted flesh. To save your children you must be prepared to lose them just as you prepare to lose your life for truth and righteousness in Christ Jesus. Children are now being prepared to fulfill scripture: to rise up against their parents and to cause them to be put to death.

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