Li Yi claims that it would be normal for 140 million people to die if the CCP were to take Taiwan

1 year ago

6/3/2023 Li Yi has once again made outrageous remarks, claiming that it would be normal for 140 million people to die if the CCP were to take Taiwan and that it would be comparable to the situation in the American Civil War. Li Yi considers such a high death toll a trivial matter in human history! If the CCP were to take military action against Taiwan, individuals like Li Yi should be the first to be sent to the battlefield, allowing him to experience firsthand what "normalcy" truly means!
#中共 #Taiwan #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
6/3/2023 中共走狗李毅又双叒叕口出狂言,竟称中共统一台湾死1.4亿人是常态,跟美国内战的情况一样,在人类历史上根本是小菜一碟!如果中共真打台湾,应该首先把李毅这样的人送上战场,让他体验一下什么叫做“常态”!
#中共 #台湾 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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