Draft and Mobilization Activities, 1917-1918

1 year ago

Summary:Reel 1, Pres. Wilson, Vice Pres. Marshall, Sen. Saulsbury, Rep. Champ Clark, and Sec. of the Navy Daniels draw draft numbers in Washington, D.C. The numbers are posted on bulletin boards in Herald Square, New York City. Gen. Enoch H. - Crowder works on a questionnaire for prospective draftees. A typical candidate fills his out. Theodore Roosevelt views a parade In New York City. Draftees arrive at a receiving station, are fed, receive bedding. Military police round up draft evaders. Reel 2, Recruits shower and take aptitude test. The Dutch steamer Amsterdam is boarded and seized in the New York City harbor. Sec. of War Baker, Senator George E. Chamberlain, Senator Francis E. Warren, and Gens. March and Crowder draw draft numbers in July 1918. German and Hungarian citizens parade in New York City in support of the draft. Draftees board trains, arrive at a receiving station, and are drilled. Shows German prisoners of war digging ditches, eating, and playing with puppies in prison camps at Fort McPherson and Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Reel 3 Germans, interned during the war, board the liner Martha Washington at Charleston, S. C. to be deported.

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