Episode 13 | The End of Title 42, Hunter Biden: Deadbeat, Caught in the Weber, Justice Thomas...

1 year ago

Captain Kirk, Monseiur Weber, the Wife of Weber, and Some Guy Named Jason tackle the end of Title 42 and the ongoing immigration invasion. Then, Hunter Biden tries to disavow his love-child by calling himself a deadbeat in Arkansas court. Plus, the next edition of Caught in the Weber. Also, accusations about Justice Clarence Thomas' ties to a billionaire are touted by outlets funded by...billionaires. Lastly, behind the Met Gala with the Wife of Weber.


Audio Sources:

Exclusive: Shock Footage From El Paso Texas Shows Thousands Of Homeless Immigrants Living On The Streets In Shanty Towns

Biden urges illegal aliens to rush the border, claims illegal immigration is ‘our greatest strength’

Lbj remarks on the signing of the 1965 immigration & nationality act

How are Chinese migrants using social media on trek to the US?

Rep. Comer: Hunter Biden’s bank records ‘are coming in’

FBI believes it has evidence to charge Hunter Biden with tax, gun-related crimes

Biden vows to 'end' nord stream 2 pipeline if Russia invades Ukraine

Chief justice hits Schumer for pro-abortion rally comments

Senator John Kennedy perfectly sums up Democrat attacks on the legitimacy of the Supreme Court

A Terrible Sounding Piece of Music - Frank Nora
Singing Bells - Frank Nora
Together - Traffic*
Dances and Dames - Kevin MaCleod
I Knew a Guy - Kevin MaCleod
Layered Synth - Mark Clark
Jane Fonda
Valley Drive - The Whole Other
Coronal Mass - Neutron
Balance - Komiku
Entering the Ring
Germ Factory - *imp*
Action Investigation - Komiku
Denoumont - Frank Nora
Drinking and Dancing - Anonymous for Good Reason
Dance of the Turtle
Hot Swing - Kevin MaCleod
Reggae - Bobby Cole

*The music is produced by Traffic.
You can find his music here:
Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/trafficofficial
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MusicTraffic
Download all his music here: http://www.youtube.com/trafficofficial
There should be a video called Royalty Free Music!

A.I. Voice generated courtesy of veed.io

Edited by: Captain Kirk

Copyright 2023 2 Hosts 1 Mic LLC
All Rights Reserved

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