Long time fren & patriot asked my opinion on if 45+ would return prior to 2024 | Check Description

1 year ago

A fellow patriot & long time fren, through many of our nuked accounts and pages, asked me my feelings on if 45+ will comeback prior to 2024. Like a lot of my posts Lately I wrote him book of a response lol so I decided to share it with everyone else.

As I’ve said many times I do not have any “secret intel”, magical mysterious sources, or a crystal ball. All I have is the research through many different digs in rabbit holes I’ve been down. We should all be very very suspicious of grifters or anyone that asks for or makes money off of this movement in order to provide “secret Intel”.

In my book there’s absolutely nothing worse than those making money off of peoples anger, sadness, and fear about what’s going on. Anyway here was my response and my opinion which is just mine because other anons have different theories. I do understand the fact it had to be this way though because only through these tribulations Will we see and learn.…

Robert Hill hard to say. As I’ve said before I 100% percent do not think this was intended to last as long as it has.

There’s many theories as to why that is and for me the one that makes the most sense is the theory that Jan 6th had something to do with it. I do not believe for one second it stopped what is inevitably coming but I do believe it did delayed it.

Things that seemed very preplanned, because we witnessed the pieces falling into place, became fluent again because like it was back in 2017/18 those pieces began moving again.

What appeared to be checkmate then turned back into moves & counter moves following Jan 6th. Add that to the fact Kash Patel told us Jan 6th had been planned 6 months to a year prior and that helps make the case of it delaying, not stopping, what was coming.

The fedsurrection, a hoax perpetrated on the American people, contained & stopped the majority, this movement, and patriots from even being able to protest the injustices and tyranny we’ve witnessed over the last three years.

I truly believe if that was not the case this would have came to an end long ago because through solidarity we would have demanded it.

The puppets we see on our TV giving speeches and blowing smoke up our asses(excuse the language) are stupid but the puppet masters are very clever & have literally decades and even centuries of passed down experience in manipulation and deceit.

The name [deep state] is fairly new & has really only been used in modern times but the people at the top of the pyramid are anything but new to this game and have been pushing nefarious agendas and manipulating humanity for centuries.

I really think the only way 45+ comes back prior to 2024 is when the majority, which is far larger now than it was in 2020, are at the boiling point or precipice where we say “It’s enough” and literally see this as our hill to die on.

I think alot of us only se e things at ground level and need to realize how much bigger this picture actually is.

It’s not simply about the American people but it’s about all of humanity and the ones who’ve been paying attention, like myself, need to see these times of trouble as necessary to ensure a better future for our families and to stop the manipulation of humanity.

It has to leave a lasting impression on all of us so we never ever ever let it happen again.

I truly believe we were chosen for this fight & “god woke us up for a reason” is not just a super catchy catch phrase. Believe me I love this country as much as anyone and know how bad this just sucks to witness and go through but I also get it’s necessary to bring this country and it’s citizens back towards and closer to god than it’s literally ever been.

People are truly starting to see the evil that surrounds us and if evil, Satan, exists then that must mean God, who’ve alot chosen to turn their backs on, also exists. So many are starting to turn to faith in these times of trouble.

Hang in there fren and know you are not alone. Millions are just as frustrated, tired, emotionally drained, and angry at what they are witnessing as we are.

Not all are built for this fight and can stand the day to day struggle like others but we will continue to fight and pray for them nonetheless. We want what’s best for all and not just ourselves or a certain group.

It’s going to be worth it and I’d bet every dime or possession I have that it’ll be worth it and one day we will look back and realize just how lucky we were to witness it.

We also need to detach ourselves emotionally from their circus because they want us broken, confused, and our head spinning because that makes us less likely to fight back but as we now know they high underestimated our spirit and love for others and this country.

Good things are coming but unfortunately the only to those good things are through trials and tribulations. I’ll be here with you till the end fren. We got this.

Keep your head up and unafraid which will only inspire & motivate others. I also can not stress enough to stay away from, or be able to truly see it for what it is, MSM news. It’s all fear mongering, doom and gloom, and blackpills meant to discourage and break our spirit.

If you can see it for what it truly is then you’ll be able to discern what’s reality and what’s manipulation. Yes I am very much talking about FOX news also. Fox may be the worst because they give the impression they are on our side which could not be further from the truth. Which is why anons and this movement have to lead the fight in this information war.

If you ever need to talk I’m here and hopefully others will be willing to step up and have the backs of other patriots. I know a lot will but we do need more of that. Whether they’re apart of this movement or not we are all on the same side of the betterment of our country & world.

#WWG1WGA ❤️ In It Together
This isn’t in my opinion end times. Things have been bad for a long time but the veil that has been over our eyes is finally lifting. Keep praying for discernment Frens.

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