A Short Read on our last post about Kobe & my fascination with the occult in description.

1 year ago

It’s kind of telling to me, to a point, that when I sit down to make a simple & short post, like our previous post, all this information that I’ve dug into and researched over the years just pops back into my head & comes pouring out suddenly. Almost like I’m in a way suppose to get this message out there and am being pushed to do so.

I literally had to tell myself the post is getting out of hand & I need to wrap it up. I could have literally wrote a book on the post lol and I’m seriously thinking about doing that one of these days lol

I apologize for that because I know not everyone finds the occult or things surrounding it as interesting as I do and a lot of times, even on other subjects, I can get carried away.

In case you’ve heard mention it, the occult is what I’ve done the most digging and research on out of all of the topics we discuss on this page. I was doing research on it far before 45+ or this movement came along although Q did open my eyes to much more than I had found on my own.

Maybe that’s why I was automatically sucked into and gravitated towards this movement in the first place. I just find it very very interesting, as it pertains to history, which can only make myself and others better understand where we are headed.

Like I’ve said before learn their symbolism, which is how these people communicate, & realize everything we see now a days has hidden symbolisms in it which will tell us more about the nefarious agendas they have planned for us.

They display this symbolism in our face because the rituals only work & mean something when they tell and show us first. That way your unwillingness to research(ignorance) & silence becomes consent.

We have been told by god to not only take no part in this evil but go a step further and expose it. Do your part, learn their symbolism, expose the evil, shine that light of yours, keep praying for discernment, and warning others of the sickness we’ve all unwillingly and unknowingly went along with for so many years.

God bless all patriots & Frens who continue to expose the evil and darkness that surrounds our world. You’re very special & I pray you know that. Thank you.

#ArmorOfGod #GodWins #Dark2Light

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