The Immortality Key - Part 3

1 year ago

A review of: The Immortality Key
- The Secret History of the Religion with No Name
by Brian C. Muraresku
Foreward by Graham Hancock

Pg 109 “Whatever made us abandon the caves for the cities would almost certainly have carried religious meaning, promoting beer from an everyday beverage to a sacrament.”
The author is constantly making assumptions and wild speculations to support his pre-conceived theory about ancient psycho-active activities. His transparent goal is to attack Christian traditions by claiming they are based on earlier pagan activities.
Pg 111 “…if calcium oxalate were discovered in a deeply spiritual setting like the Raqefet Cave (the author calls a gravesite a ‘deeply spiritual setting’), it would also establish a sacramental link, however delicate, between prehistoric beer and the psychoactive kukeon at Eluesis. (the author assumes the conclusion of ‘the psychoactive kukeon at Eluesis’ and then inserts the ‘sacramental link’ to support his constant attack against the sacrament of the Eucharist as being something that was copied from ancient pagan ritual.
The cold hard truth is that the Eucharist (sharing bread and wine together) was, and is, a simple ceremony instituted by Jesus to allow his followers a direct way to remember, honor and commemorate his death and sacrifice for humanity.

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