Andrew Ditch: "Demanding his Mother Clean his Genitals"

1 year ago

The March 2019 dictation featured here provides new insight into Andrew's dangerous and manipulative behavior and also confirms many things we have long suspected.

Highlights include:
- Andrew wandering the facility demanding staff put a diaper on him
- Threatening staff with a lawsuit if they do not change his diapers
- Andrew threatening his mother with a knife
- Andrew attacking both his mother and brother
- Andrew appearing in his parents room at 4 AM screaming
- Breaking into and entering his parents home after they lock him out
And last but not least:
- Andrew demanding his mother clean his genitals and put a diaper on him

Original video "I do not want my dad to be using my disability for him to get sympathy and control" was uploaded By Andrew Ditch in June 2023. Document featured can be viewed at approximately 22:10- 22:37.

Other Andyverse channels:
Andrew Ditch: The Poopsquatch on YouTube:
Andrew Ditch Vlogs:
Baby Andy - Diapered Deviant :
The Baby Andy Archive:

Andrew Ditch has been arrested multiple times for endangering the well being of his family. One arrest (November 2019) was for poisoning his family by putting Epsom salt in their coffee maker. A later arrest (March 2020) was for using an oil diffuser to trigger his mother's breathing issues (he claims this act was a failed attempt to use a 'coping skill'). All of the above information has been obtained through videos that Andrew himself uploads to YouTube.

Andrew is a documented medical malingerer, and all of his claims of illnesses should be taken with a grain of (Epsom) salt. This channel DOES NOT condone or encourage any one to contact Andrew Ditch; these videos are uploaded for strictly archival reasons. Feel free to share, reupload, repost any videos featured here to your own archives.

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