Surprise! The HOTR Podcast is BACK - Episode 1

1 year ago

I’m very excited to announce that the Hound on the Run Podcast is back in action. It has been over two years ago since I published my last episode, and at that point, I had decided to shelf the podcast because I just had too much going on.

But now, we’re changing up the format and I’m bringing on a very special co-host to official reboot the podcast. Before, like most podcasts, I was only doing audio, but I want to cast as wide a net as possible to maximize our efforts, so we’re going all-in and including video as well.

Moving forward, you can listen to the podcast right here on or in your favorite podcast app on your phone (Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, etc.)

And you can watch new episodes on YouTube and Rumble.


Show Notes - HOTR Podcast Episode 1

* The Hound on the Run merch shop is live! Go buy a t-shirt, hoodie, or sticker! -

* That time I tried to be a good Samaritan coonhunter by helping some folks on the side of the road deal with a zombie raccoon situation …

* I tell a little bit about the book I wrote: Cat Dog Chronicles, by Niklas Isaac on Amazon -

* We discuss 3 wildlife-related news stories:
-- A 70-Year-Old Hiker Fought Off a Mountain Lion in Utah - Backpacker
-- "Aggressive Bears" Have Closed Part of the Appalachian Trail to Camping - Backpacker -
-- Cheetah deaths raise questions over India’s reintroduction scheme | India | The Guardian

* Garmin releases a new dog tracking handheld and I recommend checking out the Double U podcast episode giving a feature-by-feature breakdown of the new product.
-- Garmin Alpha® 300 -

* I give a demo of the incredible website Howl for Wildlife and how it’s an indispensable tool for us hunters to make our voices heard:

* Video Reactions:
-- Woman survives five days in the Australian bush living off of wine and lollipops -
-- Nile Crocodile Steals Wild Dog's Food -

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