Prostate Problems: When You Can’t Pee, Try This 60-Second Powerful Ritual

1 year ago


If you are a man, age over 50 years, and have some problems with urination, you might want to check with your doctor for your prostate because there is a very high chance that you would probably have prostate cancer.

Function of the prostate gland and how to support its health.

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Yes, it's the prostate, that walnut-sized, muscular gland that is part of the male reproductive system. It is estimated that more than 30 million men suffer from prostate conditions that can negatively affect their quality of life.

Prostate problems are not unusual, as when men reach age 40 or so, it's common for the prostate to slowly begin to enlarge.
Statistics show that more than 50% of men in their 60's and 90% of men in their 80's may suffer from BPH, a non-cancerous prostate enlargement.

An enlarged prostate does not always cause symptoms, but many may initially notice a reduced urine flow or symptoms such as urgency or frequency of urination, especially during the night.

Over time, more troublesome or embarrassing symptoms, including impotence or urine leaking, may develop and, for some, serious complications such as urinary retention can result.

While an enlarging prostate may be inevitable for many, it does not always require treatment, as symptoms are often mild.

As always, the best defense is a good offense. A healthy lifestyle and a good attitude go a long way in supporting the immune system and overall wellness.

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