15 Small Animals That Fear Nobody

1 year ago

15 Small Animals That Fear Nobody
You can never judge a book by its cover and the same rule applies regarding animals. Just because an animal is small doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous or doesn’t have the “oomph” to take it to animals that are bigger. Have you ever seen what a spider wasp is capable of? What about a praying mantis? If you want to see some small but fearless animals in action, stay tuned as we count down 15 small animals that fear nobody.


Rats aren't easily intimidated, and if trapped, they'll battle to the death. In some circumstances, rates will shift to killing cats and dogs. This, however, only applies to smaller cats and dogs that larger rodents could more readily subjugate. Cat and dog younglings, small kittens, and puppies, on the other hand, are unquestionably at risk of being murdered by rats. Check out this rat sharing the park with a couple of chickens, and you know how tough chickens are if you’ve seen some of our previous countdowns. Well, this doesn’t phase the rodent one bit and when the chickens get too close for comfort, the rat lunges at one of them without hesitation. In our next video, this rat is followed by a cat and instead of running away, it actually walks towards a gang of cats and jumps on one of them scare the living daylights out of it, sending it into a frantic dance only a cat would be familiar with.

If you’re familiar with Tom and Jerry's cartoons, then this next clip will make you smile as you can see this rat and cat chasing each other in the middle of the street. It is quite reminiscent of the popular cartoon show. In this next clip, this huge rat takes it to a dog and doesn’t give the canine one second of rest as it pulls wicked jumps worthy of the best circus acts. The dog is bewildered and chases the rat without knowing why. This next rat causes havoc in the park for these magpies who are not happy about its presence. Eventually, the rat is bored and decides to go for a walk. Finally, I don’t know what kind of sadistic human being puts a small chick in the same space as a giant rat, just for the fun of it. Of course, the rat has no problem killing the poor chick and gobbling it up.

Golden Eagle

Golden eagles are one of the largest and most dangerous birds of prey, with a wingspan of up to 7 feet and a weight of up to 15 pounds. They can be found in more locations on the planet than any other eagle, including North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Due to its outstanding size and hunting prowess, the healthy adult golden eagle has no natural predators. Eggs, chicks, juvenile eagles, and injured birds are vulnerable to a variety of predators, including other birds of prey, such as eagles and hawks of various kinds, bears, wolves, and cougars. Humans are the principal predators of golden eagles.

Farmers in the Eastern United States were concerned that the massive birds would hurt their animals. To avoid it, they shot the birds, which resulted in a significant decrease in the population of that area. Golden eagle hunting was also common among farmers across Europe, resulting in falling populations and, in some cases, extinction. This eagle takes this mountain goat for an amazing rollercoaster ride down a mountain that the goat will not forget anytime soon. Who needs amusement parks when you can do this? In the end, the goat can escape, and I think the aggressive eagle got the worst of it. In our next video, these eagles are trained to bring down wolves. These two eagles have their grasp on this wolf, and it doesn’t look like the wolf is able to free itself. This golden eagle hunts a “jumpy brown hare” in the open field, but the hare is not an easy catch for the mighty predator. Finally, a golden eagle chases away a fox from an elk carcass so it can enjoy the kill on its own.

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