Aug 5, 2010 🎺 The Lord asks... Why are you still sitting on the Fence and rejecting My Words?

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Are you still sitting on the Fence?… Why do you reject My Word?

August 5, 2010 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord spoken to Timothy during an Online Fellowship, for a Brother in Christ, and for All Those who have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord… One who sits upon the fence between two houses, can not enter either one. My son, I have spoken to you many times, and still you deny Me. Even now you rebel against Me, as you reject this Word spoken through My prophet. For I have indeed spoken it, yet I hear no ‚Amen‘.

Behold, it is written in the Scriptures of Truth, and still you remain sitting upon the fence, with one foot planted securely in the pastures of men and the other dangling in the wind. When you called to Me, did I not answer? And when you reached out to Me, did I not extend My hand?

Yet now you turn from Me, rejecting this Word, drawing back from My hand, refusing to be replanted. Thus between us a gulf widens on account of that from which you refuse to depart, on account of that which you hold on to so tightly…

Let go, My son, let go! There is no argument, no debate! Obey NOT the commandments of men! For I tell you the truth, to choose the doctrines of men is to deny Me, and to uphold their traditions is to fight against Me! I AM THE LORD!

Thus before you I have placed an open door. Yet one may only pass through by coming to Me empty, free of the corrupt doctrines of men, standing apart from all their filthy traditions, which I hate… My son, I shall speak plainly for your sake, once again…

NO ONE who upholds any part of the doctrine of hell and eternal torment, as taught in the churches of men, shall escape the Day of The Lord! For whether one holds to it in part or as a whole, they have surely blasphemed My name, even on the highest order!

Therefore, I call you to repent, and to come out of the churches of men, to be separate! Only then shall you begin to truly know Me…

Yet if you will not come out, nor be separate, most assuredly, I say to you, I shall leave you to refinement in the Great and Terrible Day of The Lord…

For as it is written, I shall not lose one The Father has given Me; Yet I shall surely refine them, I must purge all those who are left, and by great tribulation shall they come into glory.

Therefore, all those who have ears to hear, let them hear!… For as it is written, so shall it be… I will turn My hand against you, and thoroughly purge away your dross and take away all your alloy… Says The Lord.

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