Riley Gaines Exposes Lia Thomas, ESPN & NCAA, Shares Gratitude for Sage Steele, Sam Ponder | Ep 459

1 year ago

“This isn't really someone who is transgendered; this is a transvestite, and we were subjected to participating in this person's fetish." Riley Gaines opens up to “Fearless” regarding her season in the pool competing against a man. Gaines, a former NCAA swimming champ at the University of Kentucky, recounts the experience of sharing a locker room with Lia Thomas, a biological male who claims to be a transgendered female athlete. Gaines shares her thoughts on sharing a locker room with a fully intact man and the moment that changed her life from a student-athlete to a nationally known advocate for women. "Seventeen years of my life I dedicated to my sport. When they reduce that down to a photo op to validate the feelings and identity of a male, that's when I was no longer willing to lie and say that Thomas was a woman ..."

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