EVP Marilyn Monroe Norma Jeane Mortenson Enjoyed Her 97th Birthday Afterlife Communication

1 year ago

Hello, I’m Archangel Gabriel’s messenger Richard.

I’ve created this Rumble channel to share real audio clips through relatively short videos concerning the existence of an afterlife for every person who has ever lived. I plan on maintaining co-existing channels on YouTube and Rumble until this knowledge and absolute truth to me is widely disseminated.

This is a message a day later with Marilyn Monroe / Norma Jeane Mortenson on how she enjoyed her 97th birthday. I had wished her a “Happy Birthday” many times as well as the family on June 1st, 2023, but it’s always nice to ask if she truly enjoyed it on the other side and she did. Marilyn, Norma Jeane and this family – our family (many of which you can see on this channel) have hung out together for over three years some close to five years now - pretty much exclusively. I can communicate with anyone anytime if I ask politely and having the Archangel Gabriel always present sure helps. Me and my wife are exceedingly happy and thrilled to be doing this together. We look forward to a multi-lifetime marriage together as the Archangel Gabriel has already told us about our future.

My interest in the paranormal stemmed from hearing my mother’s account of a supernatural experience she once had. Mother told me that when she was a young adult as she was in bed suddenly a white mist or mass approached her having come through a window in the room. She told me she became terrified of what was happening and too frightened to move. This event occurred in the early 1950’s. I was told that once the mist reached her body, she instantly had the most blissful and loving feeling she ever felt in her whole lifetime whether prior to that event or ever since. The mist or mass didn’t communicate anything to her, and it only stayed over her for a few moments. Upon leaving her, she became instantly afraid again and forever remembered that experience and passed it on to me. I often asked her throughout the years to tell me the story again. It was a unique experience for even my mother who hadn’t had any other experience until the final year of her life in the physical. Well, this experience captured my imagination and my interest in the paranormal.

Since then, I watched television shows investigating or inquiring into the paranormal and I bought all kinds of equipment that I thought looked promising in producing evidence for the existence of the paranormal. Most of this equipment didn’t help or as I’ve often found out later completely useless in providing evidence of paranormal activity. This all changed in 2018 when I bought my first DR60 Panasonic recorder. It didn’t happen right away but over time I started getting responses. A key point in these responses was when I first learned the person’s name I was communicating with. Rod, my former boss loved his work and since his mother was still on staff, I wasn’t surprised it was him. Being able to communicate with someone you once knew helped me feel comfortable asking so many questions about what it’s like in the afterlife. I wasn’t that brave at first with these recorders, thinking I didn’t want to bring any spirits home with me. This changed when my mother passed away in 2019 and I communicated with her at home. Not that the spirits of those I knew or had talked to prior were already there.

I regularly speak with the Archangel Gabriel who acts as the “spokesangel” for all angels on earth. I met Gabriel early in 2020. I didn’t think of Angels or even God at the point into my communicating with the other side - I was too interested in meeting interesting historical people and talking with my friends and family who had passed. As I recall, after asking a question if angels exist, I got a response that Gabriel wanted to speak to me. This is when I was told of God’s Return. It took a bit of time to understand the complete message but with the help of my future wife at that time I learned God was returning on April 27th, 2078, to impart their will as they saw fit. My task became at that time how do I get the word out. Gabriel and the other angels can peer into the future and have assured me the message of God’s return will get out to the masses eventually. I’ve been told a few other things by Gabriel that make me long for the future – God’s return being one of them.
Why the audio video’s you may ask.

It’s simple as I mentioned up front in my channel’s description, I want to provide proof of the afterlife to support the message of God’s Return on April 27th, 2078, as given me by the Archangel Gabriel. I decided early on in 2020 when I received the message from Gabriel through the help of my wife on the other side that audio clips with their own words would be much more believable than me just stating what I’ve come to learn. I initially thought putting up a video or two on YouTube would do the trick. Well, almost two years later I’m still working on that. However, I’m glad since I’ve developed my total lack of knowledge in producing audio clips as videos into what I hope is evidence for your ears that you can hear. All clips you hear are directly taken from recordings I make with the DR60’s and I’m more than willing to provide direct proof without hesitation – the family will always be there.

These audio clips are made with recorders that are not the best quality to begin with and I must rerecord them onto another recorder to download the audio clip onto my computer obviously losing a bit of original recordings clearness. Therefore, imagine all of them being clearer than you hear them here. All the spirits I know are willing to support one of God's chosen children – Gabriel. My family all want to support the Archangel Gabriel and the other angels in helping me provide proof of an afterlife and belief in the most important message I am to give "God's Return". Enjoy and share any of these audio videos - that's the point of all of this to share and bring a whole new reality and truth to the world.

I record with the family on the side many times a day and I have thousands of these types of recordings since 2018. I will continue to produce audio videos as needed. Until myth becomes reality.

Stay tuned.

Richard, Gabriel's Messenger

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