1 year ago

We were SPRAYED with an unknown insecticide on our AIR CANADA flight from Toronto to Barbados Monday May 29th 2023! The active chemical used is called D-Phenothrin, a chemical that kills adult fleas and ticks, and supposedly mosquitoes and other bugs. We understand the idea of preventing invasive species, but we were NOT informed of this before our flight, nor were we given the option to change flights or airlines. The flight crew seemed not to care, even though they told us they have to change who does the spraying due to health concerns……

This chemical is extremely toxic to aquatic life, is not safe to INHALE or GET ON FOOD OR DRINKS OR FOOD PREPARATION AREAS. We only use organic products, and our friend is sensitive to smells. We all felt very sick physically. We immediately shouted NO WE DO NOT CONSENT DONT SPRAY US! THIS ISNT RIGHT, WE DIDNT AGREE TO THIS! Other passengers seemed to be in shock, not knowing what to do or who to complain to.

Since then, just wondering what exactly they exposed us to has us worried. This is a WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION APPROVED PRODUCT, MADE IN NSW AUSTRALIA AND BEING USED ON CANADIAN FLIGHTS TO BARBADOS.

We are outraged. Are you?

PLEASE COMMENT YOUR THOUGHTS AND ADVICE ON WHAT TO DO NEXT. SHOULD WE SUE THE AIRLINE? Who is responsible for approving this product? Where is the safety brochure? Have you also experienced this?

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