The Bible does NOT Teach that Adam was the Sole Father of All Mankind

1 year ago

The bible does not really teach that Adam was the sole father of mankind, or the first biological human. In fact, the account fits better with a Christ-centered model for early Genesis if he isn't. Mark Moore is the author of "Early Genesis, the revealed cosmology" and here he makes the scriptural case that there were other humans outside the garden. This is an improved version of one of his earliest videos.

Some resources mentioned in the video:

A link to an interlinear translation of Genesis 1:27 so that the viewer can verify Mark's claim about the original text of the verse and "THE man"-

And here is a record of a dialogue I had with a Hebrew scholar over the issue of the translation of 1:27 https://earlygenesistherevealedcosmol...

Here is the definition of "kabash" which is translated "subdue" in 1:28

And the word translated ""dominion" in that verse is almost as harsh and militaristic

And here is the link to the root word that is translated "host" in 2:1

CHRIST is the image of God, not us, unless we are in Him.

And the link to the book, "Early Genesis, the revealed cosmology" where the case for the Christ-centered model for all of early Genesis is laid out.

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